PDFXchange vs Acrobat

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PDFXchange vs Acrobat

Post by soonerlater »

I have PDFXchange setup as my "default pdf handler" merely for how much better it makes xPlorer2 operate relative to PDFs. By doing this, the "Quick Viewer" feature in xPlorer2 is objectively better. However, I don't like to use PDFXplorer to actually view PDFs. For viewing PDFs, I'd rather use Acrobat, because of the superior way that it renders PDFs on my 4k monitor.

May I have my cake and eat it too, please?

Is there a way to continue to have the benefits in xPlorer2 of using PDFXchange as the default PDF handler, but have PDFs launch in Acrobat by default instead?
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Re: PDFXchange vs Acrobat

Post by Kilmatead »

Yes, file-association does not interfere with the handler. If Adobe was installed first, and XChange second (as I assume given that it is now the handler), all you have to do is change the file-association back to Adobe. The simplest way to do this is just to right-click on a PDF file, select the "Open With..." option, Do NOT immediately select Adobe from this menu, though it may be displayed, as that will only open it for a single instance. Instead, select "Choose default programme..." and make sure the option at the bottom is checked for "Always use the selected programme", and THEN select Adobe.

This will leave the shell-extension from XChange intact and working in x2, and yet when you click on a PDF it opens in Adobe. (I just installed both and checked to make sure. This works for Win7 - I cannot speak for other lesser/pseudo-modern OS's :wink:)

The shell-extension handler (that which controls the previewer in x2) will be whichever programme was installed last. In other words, if the current preview/handler is Adobe, you can just rerun the XChange installer to repair its handler, etc. There is always the chance that Adobe will update by itself in the future, at which point you will probably need to "repair" the XChange extension, as above.
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