Middle click folder in regular window to open new tab?

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Middle click folder in regular window to open new tab?

Post by greh »

I can middle click a folder in the tree to open it in a new tab --
can I do the same thing on a folder in the regular window pane?

If so, how? If not, why not?

I'm able to do this in QTTabBar, Q-Dir, and dOpus ~

I currently have a quirky workaround through a combo of AHK + StrokeIt,
but it'd sure be sweet to just simply middle click.

(xplorer2 Ultimate-paid, on w7sp1.Ultimate)

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Post by fgagnon »

@ why not? -
m-click in folder pane is already assigned to add the m-clicked item to the current selection (à la Ctrl+L-click).

a straightforward 2-step work-around is to first select the folder(s) you want to open in new tab(s) and then m-click on whitespace in the tab bar.
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Post by greh »

here's my inner dummie >

"add the m-clicked item to the current selection" -- what's that mean?
what does that do?

yaah, I already discovered the < hover to select, then click the tab bar >,
and that's ok.

My workaround is in StrokeIt = Up gesture triggers Ctrl + Insert  :)

but, still, is there any way I can "re-purpose" the afore-mentioned assignation?  

(& thx again for making the time to help ~ appreciated :)
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Post by fgagnon »

My comments are for case of not having 'hover selection' enabled.
In which case each m-click adds to the current selection.
(doesn't work for hover select unless you hold down the Ctrl key)
See section 4 in the UM under "Selecting and unselecting items manually"
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Post by Kilmatead »

I keep bumping this but the gods are ever unkind to the expartite soul. :shrug:  It's still just an AHK script, except it does exactly what these people seem to want without silly things like gestures.

Personally I prefer the "MMB as selector" paradigm, but I can see why others would prefer a certain homogeneity to their browsing.  It wouldn't kill Nikos to just finally add this as an option - considering we have naff options like "middle-click doesn't close tabs" - which seems to show that once upon a time he had a couple of brain cells that were heading in the right direction, but then the lights went out...
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Post by greh »

Ufdah! Kilmatead ~

mate, your warmth embraces me like a December dawn-patrol paddle out @ Castle Freak  :twisted:  

still, you've made my day w/ your link + commentary,
as this is exactly what I want ...

now if I could keep you in pints for about a month on my next visit there,
I'd surely appreciate some proper tutoring on scripting/coding ...

... as it goes, I'm just a power-user wannabe,
but seriously, always grateful for delicacy-crumbs such as these!

peace & Best Wishes!    :beer:

{ps - would it be out-o-the-question to arrange a 4-some w/ Darren & Graeme?}
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Post by greh »

Kilmatead wrote: Personally I prefer the "MMB as selector" paradigm ...

If I understand this functionality correctly,
I believe the lack of it is what turned me off to XYplorer
(which otherwise has some fine features) --

I'm not any file-mgr's fanboy, as I've paid the major developers to rent their software
(Nikos, G.Perry/dOpus, D.Lessau/XYplorer, etc) ...

yet, as a "hover-to-Select / single-Click" activist,
I found it somewhat incredulous that such a (to me) basic functionality / option
would not only NOT be supported, but even show disinterest in consideration !  

.... at least that's how it was a year or so ago when I paid to pursue it.
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Post by Kilmatead »

It's often difficult to get developers to listen to users who have issues with what are essentially "niche" preferences.  For example, many laptop users don't even have a middle-mouse-button (and there is no simple keyboard equivalent to generate the VK_MBUTTON event in the Windows API).  So (to those users) we sound like people who are trying to control a text interface with a gamepad controller - so to them the issue is irrelevant.

Whilst I share your use of "Single-Click Activation", at the same time I must consider you a horrible misshapen beast for bringing shame and fear to your village by using "hover select", as that's just plain unnatural. :D  Seriously, though - technically neither of these things has anything to do with basic functionality... instead it's just user-preference: there are no rules for these things, only "common conventions".  As you discovered, to open a focused folder in a new tab is <Ctrl+Ins> so the functionality exists, it's just that there's no simple way to switch it to the mouse where you want it.  True, one could point out that this is "common behaviour" for browsers, other programmes, etc - except (again) mouse-interface users are actually in the decline... and if Windows has its way, we'll be an extinct species... so "basic functionality/options" change over time, in much the same way that all young people listen to hopelessly dumb music - every generation is just another step towards decline, disease, entropy and anarchy. :wink:

All that aside, as stated above, it's just plain silly that Nikos doesn't provide the option (as he does his development on a laptop, he doesn't understand how the real world works).  What's worse, now there are people who are whining that file-management using a touch-interface isn't the most practical thing.  Naturally, our reaction is just to laugh at the silly circus people and shake our heads with incredulity that they would ever even think that such a thing is logical.

But, complain they do.  And, with the Middle-Mouse-Button thing, complain we do.  'Tis the tide of life.  Except our numbers are dwindling, and the ranks of the evil delusional ones are growing.

The small child in Nikos could never understand why all the other kids used to kick him up-the-backside when he used to come to school with his uniform on backwards - and now the same thing is happening as an adult.  Have pity - developers are a persecuted lot.

Now, if he would just pull his finger out, this issue could go away once and for all and everyone could all live in peace and harmony... even with the horrible misshapen beasts of the forest like us - er, well, more you that is, with your scarlet-lettered "hover-selection" proclivity.  :roll:
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Post by greh »

@K  ..... to quote one of our (US.of.A) favorite cultural icons, Larry-the-Cable-Guy,

"I don't care WHO you are ..... that's FUNNY!" :)

well .... it all began for me one evening as I sat down to channel,
when this old geezer named "Douglas Engelbart" began to come through --

and he directed me to purchase a Logitech G300 (tho' I ain't no gamer),

saying that, as soon as I could understand & program all 693 functions of its 47 buttons --

(which makes his lil' "tail on wheelz" look quite pathetic)

"copulated" (or is that "coupled"?) together with AHK & StrokeIt,

I would soon forget the "normal/usual" way of doing things ;)

and he was right!  I'm clueless when asked to assist someone using Win-vanilla
(not to mention me wifey w/ her Apples)

... but you make some good points - & I agree - the times, temperaments, and tools -
they are a'changing
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Post by Kilmatead »

greh wrote:...and he directed me to purchase a Logitech G300 (tho' I ain't no gamer)... I would soon forget the "normal/usual" way of doing things...
Hence the reason some of us look forward to the lonely shotgun in the woods, rather than the retirement home.  My mouse has a rather sad look on its many-buttoned face. :cry:
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Post by greh »

Kilmatead wrote: ...  every generation is just another step towards decline, disease, entropy and anarchy. :wink:

All that aside, as stated above, it's just plain silly that Nikos doesn't provide the option
(as he does his development on a laptop, he doesn't understand how the real world works).  

What's worse, now there are people who are whining that file-management using a touch-interface isn't the most practical thing.  Naturally, our reaction is just to laugh at the silly circus people and shake our heads with incredulity that they would ever even think that such a thing is logical.

.....  Have pity - developers are a persecuted lot.
amen!  case in point Scroll windows with finger touch?

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Post by Kilmatead »

Before we get too far off-topic, I'd just like to say:
Kilmatead wrote:...it's just plain silly that Nikos doesn't provide the option
There are two kinds of developers in the world - the first kind you can cajole into adding your requested option by using soothing words and making meek, kind suggestions while hinting that you'd "probably buy the product if..." and that you're open to walking his dog or babysitting his brat.  You know, the usual lies.

Then there are the kind that need to be hit over the head with blunt objects until they suffer brain damage or "see the light" whichever comes first.  Unfortunately for us, Nikos is of the latter-disposition.  So I'll just repeat myself:
Kilmatead wrote:...it's just plain silly that Nikos doesn't provide the option
Kilmatead wrote:...it's just plain silly that Nikos doesn't provide the option
Kilmatead wrote:...it's just plain silly that Nikos doesn't provide the option
Kilmatead wrote:...it's just plain silly that Nikos doesn't provide the option
...and hope that one day the shame will sink in and he'll realise that adding a few very tiny user-requests is better for business than adding all sorts of desktop search nonsense that no one wants.  Of course, I, as a loyal fanboy dog would never say such a thing in public.  Never.  Couldn't possibly.  Much too far beneath me.
Kilmatead wrote:...it's just plain silly that Nikos doesn't provide the option
There is, technically (and mythically), a third-class of developer who will listen to the arguments and decide if something has merit or not.  Virtually all developers (Nikos included) would say they belong to this group and are immune to these otherwise childish attempts at "reverse psychology" they see every day.  But they don't, and they aren't.  It's really all just done with smoke and mirrors and wads of cash changing hands under the table.

<Disillusionment with life sets in>

<Disavowing all women - yet again>

<Disavowing all drink - yet again>
Kilmatead wrote:...it's just plain silly that Nikos doesn't provide the option
Oh God, just make it stop. :cry:

However, as I am completely lacking in wads of cash, women, and drink - I'll just use humour.  Well, before the begging starts.  Hopefully it won't get that far. :wink:
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Post by nikos »

so what is this option again? middle mouse button to open tabs? my laptop doesn't have a middle button anyway
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Post by Kilmatead »

I hate when you use glib answers to show you actually read the posts but choose to remain aristocratically aloof and indifferent to the heartfelt pleas of your serfs.


It's not an unreasonable request after all these years of suffering and thirst.
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Post by nikos »

look what I'll try to do is to enable mouse clicks to be added as accelerators for the "customize keyboard" command, then you lot can leave me alone :)
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