"The Indexing Service friendly name is 'Write'"

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"The Indexing Service friendly name is 'Write'"

Post by Kilmatead »

That's nice, but exactly how does this information help the user feed the starving children in Africa? I wasn't aware that one could reference things by the cabal-like codenames the "service" uses... considering there is no normal FS property called "write" isn't the helpfulness of this label a little vague? If a user doesn't know what a modified-date means, they haven't got a hope of understanding what indexing-service "friendly" names are. :shrug:

And - for the sake of clarity - if you're going to say something is the date and time of the items to search for, wouldn't it be logical to allow the user to actually search by time numerically rather than just descriptively? For example, if I wanted to search for everything modified since 11 o'clock this morning, I'm screwed. Yes, I can search relative to the last hour, or the vagueness of "today", but say I did a backup at precisely 14:43:33 (I know this because the backup tells me so), and I want to know everything that changed since then (not since some abstract reference to the past), DR isn't very friendly to me - shouldn't it be friendlier to me than to the indexing service? I could be the jealous-type. :wink:

Curiously, though, x2 would actually allow me to search for anything within the previous 467 minutes, which means that I need to hire a savant to follow me around and tell me how many seconds have passed since 14:43:33... to be like... you know... accurate. But DR won't even do that. Shouldn't DR be more like my own personal savant? That would be cool...

(Just random thoughts born of discovering that even x2 can't search by a precise timestamp... and I needed something to be grumpy about anyway, and this is as good as anything. :D)

* That said, thanks for implementing base-folders by CLSID - things like that make men feel like men, since we're not allowed to swagger around Medievally-drunk lopping the heads off the commoners anymore. like we're meant to do...
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Re: "The Indexing Service friendly name is 'Write'"

Post by nikos »

most of these "descriptions" where generated automatically. I must go back and revise a few and remove the irrelevant information

as for exact time searches you can do that using the advanced panel, where there is a mode of "last X hours" like xplorer2. Or just find stuff during the last day and then sort them by date to locate your cut-off point
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Re: "The Indexing Service friendly name is 'Write'"

Post by Kilmatead »

...And yet it seems "dummy mode" would be so much more efficacious were one allowed to just use ">=19-Feb-2015 22:00", as not all of us have our own personal savants following us around.

Seems reasonable enough to expect, no? After all, though the property says "date modified" that's not intended to be taken literally, as "time" is always an implied part of the property.

Just lookin' out for the common-man here... you tech-types are always so cloistered... :wink:
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