Are custom macros possible in x2?

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Are custom macros possible in x2?

Post by QT-Pro »

This is probably a very silly question which comes from my almost total ignorance with file managers so please excuse me if it is pure nonsense. What I want to know is if there is any way I can setup a custom macro that will backup my Outlook mail folder to an external drive automatically at a given hour every night? It's just that I noticed the custom user commands option but haven't a clue how to use it.
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Re: Are custom macros possible in x2?

Post by Kilmatead »

QT-Pro wrote:It's just that I noticed the custom user commands option but haven't a clue how to use it.
Custom user-commands are more of an "on demand" programme-launch type of paradigm, rather than a scheduler-based one. For example, if you needed to select a group of .MP4 files and convert them (using a 3rd-party programme) to .MKV files, then user-commands are perfectly suited to that.

In your case, as you want a scheduled process/event to occur, you would be best served by a combination of backup-script and bespoke task-schedule for it, as described (for PST files, as it happens) in this Outlook "how to" tutorial.

Separately, more details about x2 user-commands, and numerous examples of their definition, may be found in this thread. They are quite flexible and powerful in their own right, but not precisely suited to your requested function. Macros (after a fashion) are also available in x2 in the form of DOS/Cmd scripting, but that's a different sort of thing (see x2 documentation for more details), but they too do not possess an awareness of "timed events" and so are best seen (again) as an "on demand" means of automating simple/repetitive tasks. :shrug:
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Re: Are custom macros possible in x2?

Post by nikos »

with the upcoming "macros" for version 4 (something like this), it will be easy to setup such tasks. A special command line option will allow you to start xplorer2 and execute a macro, which means that you can use the windows task scheduler to do such backup tasks. Of course you could also do it with a WSH script
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Re: Are custom macros possible in x2?

Post by QT-Pro »

@ nikos
Looks good although I often wonder why it is necessary to make configuring such items so complicated? I'm sure it is very simple for anyone with slight programming knowledge but for old farts like myself, button pressing is the ideal solution.

@ Kilmatead
Fantastic reply! Some very good info there and thanks for the Outlook site which I'm sure will come in handy for other topics also. In fact, I recently upgraded from Office 2007 to Office 2016 because although the 2007 version did everything I wanted it to, my new laptop has a UHD screen and 2007 was released prior to 4K's arrival on the market so it would not scale and many mails were illegible.

IMHO, Outlook 2016 is not nearly as good as 2007 was. Many functions are either missing or hidden. The worst example I have found to date is that it is no longer possible to proof-read mails written in multiple languages; you cannot even select the language you want to use because it always switches back to the default language, even if you have multiple custom dictionaries installed. Outlook 2007 had no problem with this. Powerpoint is another perfect example of MS's bent on ruining a good program but I won't go down that rabbit hole as it is off-subject.

I actually found a solution which was already on my machine although I had not used this particular option before. It's a program I purchased back in the Win 98 days which still works perfectly on Win 10. Basically, it is an electronic agenda called Kirby Alarm Pro. Unfortunately it is no longer available which is a shame because it was way ahead of its time. Despite a clumsy looking GUI, it is extremely easy to use and has a wealth of functions that practically nobody has considered adding to either a personal manager or calendar/task program.

I'm attaching a screenshot of its GUI (left) and the options available when you open an alarm (right). Note the Actions section which is where I noticed the Backup option. Perhaps you can get some inspiration for future development of x2 nikos? :wink:

Regretfully, the guy who built this product, which I find indispensable, wasn't able to sell enough copies to make a living from it so he gave up further development and took his site down. This was a classic case of what happens when you invest nothing in marketing. You can have the best product on the planet but if nobody knows about it you aren't going to sell much.
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Re: Are custom macros possible in x2?

Post by ScottWall »

It looks like Kirby Alarm is still available ; see I guess his marketing was sufficient. :)
I also used it ages ago and thought it was great.
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Re: Are custom macros possible in x2?

Post by QT-Pro »

Indeed, the site is still up and the product is available to purchase but Ian gave up development in 2012. At the time he said it was because he was unable to sell enough although I had difficulty understanding why other than zero investment in marketing. In fact, he has a flurry of competition all with drastically inferior products but nicer looking interfaces (usually based on the Office ribbon).

I cannot do without his product. It is simply indispensable to the running of my company and personal affairs however, bearing in mind that Nikos continues to develop his product I still believe he could turbocharge it if he implemented a fair portion of the options found in Kirby Alarm Pro.
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Re: Are custom macros possible in x2?

Post by ScottWall »

(usually based on the Office ribbon)
Yikes, the dreaded ribbon interface. The most despicable "advancement" in GUI development.
he could turbocharge it if he implemented a fair portion of the options found in Kirby Alarm Pro.
Wishful thinking never hurt. I'm sure Nikos would be more likely to implement them if you spelled out specific features that would be easy to implement and would look good on the marketing brochure. But, don't hold your breath.
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Re: Are custom macros possible in x2?

Post by QT-Pro »

ScottWall wrote: 2017 Oct 10, 17:10 I'm sure Nikos would be more likely to implement them if you spelled out specific features that would be easy to implement and would look good on the marketing brochure. But, don't hold your breath.
I'm certainly not holding my breath but the specific features I would like to see added to x2 are ALL those listed in the Action section of the right hand screenshot I posted above.
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Re: Are custom macros possible in x2?

Post by nikos »

while we are adding useful features why don't I add some spreadsheet capabilities into x2 so people won't need excel either? :P

look guys, this is a program not a genie for all your computer needs. The new "macro" capabilities that will come with v4, combined with the windows task scheduler (no need to reinvent the wheel) will allow you to backup or do whatever else x2 can do at scheduled times. Almost as good as your favorite tool!
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Re: Are custom macros possible in x2?

Post by QT-Pro »

I did say I was NOT holding my breath. However, if you intend adding a backing up option via macros, I hope it is easier to program than the past user commands. KAP's backup option couldn't be simpler: you just browse your PC to find what you want included in your backup, then browse to show where you want it backed up to and select the time and frequency to perform the task. As you can see, you can also specify the level of compression for the backup, if any.
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Re: Are custom macros possible in x2?

Post by ScottWall »

Almost as good as your favorite tool!
We wouldn't want you to shoot too high and aim to match the functionality of a 10 year old program that stopped development 5 years ago. That would just be excessive. :(
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