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Make properties added to Details Pane links

Posted: 2015 May 12, 22:49
by pschroeter
I’ve added picture Tags to the Details Pane. Is there a way I can make the “Tags” that shows up in the pane links so I can at least open the Properties dialog to the right tab? I would like it because adding tags is three clicks away (Properties>Details>Tags).

I would use the Comments, which is how I wish Tags worked, but I would rather use something that is built into the pictures EXIF data and leave comments for other things. Using EXIF tags also gives you a nice dropdown list when you start typing.

Forgive the foul language, it has taken me a couple years to find something Windows File Explore does better. If I browse photos with it, its detail pane shows the tags and I can edit them directly. There really needs to be a much better way to customize the Details pane.

Re: Make properties added to Details Pane links

Posted: 2015 May 13, 07:29
by nikos
this is not possible at present but I'll consider it for the future