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Intuitive vs. Deductive Logic

Posted: 2013 Nov 16, 14:41
by Kilmatead
Not being the type of person to click on link-bait very often, I missed this when it was popularised last year...

I admit, I completely failed this Simple Logic Question That Most Harvard Students Get Wrong

In fact, I failed so badly that I had to read the explanation-paragraph 3 times before I figured out why I was wrong and accepted their reasoning. My brain definitely falls into the "intuitive" bracket.

I wonder if this has more to do with how the question is phrased (and what language it's in) rather than blaming it purely on a lack of reasoning.

I also wonder how many fights would break out in a bar if you asked this to your friends after too many pints? People (including me) can get quite belligerent when actual logic threatens their reasoned-intuition, which may explain why I'm always berating Nikos for his lack of both. :D


Re: Intuitive vs. Deductive Logic

Posted: 2013 Nov 16, 18:29
by nikos
it took some thinking but i got it right first time :P
which explains why I am the programmer and you... well talk like some confucious in rainy weather

Re: Intuitive vs. Deductive Logic

Posted: 2013 Nov 16, 19:28
by Kilmatead
Confucius say man who is warned first that question may be deceptive, is man less likely to arrive at his conclusion by walking barefoot through cow pasture.

I always follow my heart. (Hoping like hell the rain will wash my often smelly feet clean.) :D

I also am a firm adherent of Gödel's incompleteness theorems which effectively turn your Principia Mathematica world into loo roll. :wink: There's room yet for lofty imaginations!

Re: Intuitive vs. Deductive Logic

Posted: 2014 Jan 04, 17:13
by profess
and no one is really, really wrong :)
i had to think, think rethink. ok it kinda had me...

Re: Intuitive vs. Deductive Logic

Posted: 2014 Mar 10, 19:19
by bawldiggle
How much was the beer ? :confused: