Crash when selecting a [x] column

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Crash when selecting a [x] column

Post by Mr.Pleasant »

Don't know if this has already been dealt with (quite some crash reports, lately, but I never suffered from it until now).
I'm on Vista Professional X64, X2 is not in any way the default replacement for WE.
I was playing with the columns in details view, and noticed that turning on one of the columns with '[x]' behind the name would instantly crash xplorer2.

Is that what '[x]' stands for: Exterminate, exterminate! (sorry, this is a pathetic Doctor Who fan, celebrating the Doctor's return on the tele by seizing each oppotunity to scream 'Exterminate'; can't help myself)

I can't get a minidump ('There is no crash dump file for this program version'). Er..., isn't that a 64bit-thing? Can't remember.
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Post by FrizzleFry »

[X] columns seem to be the ones provided by shell extensions... I only see one (W7 Home Premium x64) so maybe it is the extensions that is causing x2 to crash.
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Post by nikos »

1. which column is it that crashes?
2. if you can't find the crash minidump, search manually: go to %TEMP% folder and see if there is a file called 'x2minidump...' Make sure it is for the latest version 1809
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Post by Mr.Pleasant »

I wasn't fully updated (I had, but also on the same thing happens.
These are the columns: almost all [x] columns, except, oddly, the 'open status'. My guess is that they are pdf-related (not sure).Image
Not always will X2 crash, it depends on the contents of the folder, however I can't tell what it is. A folder with only a subfolder crashes, but not a folder with only an executable (for instance, only the X2 setup file). A folder with pdf's crashes.
I couldn't find the minidump in the temp folder, although I have 'Do not create a minidump file in case of a program crash' in the settings editor UNchecked.
Like Frizzlefry said, I might be shell extensions.
Not such a big deal for me, though I was curious what this '[x]' meant. It could be useful sometimes to use one of these columns, though. But maybe it can be of interest for you (?).
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Post by Kilmatead »

Mr.Pleasant wrote:Like Frizzlefry said, it might be shell extensions.
Those are definitely installed by some 3rd party program (most likely a shell extension), as for example I don't have any [X] columns at all.  Without knowing which extension you're using, it's difficult for others to recreate.

And while the above was not in any way informative or useful, I just wanted an excuse to say David Tennant rules and Matt Smith is a youthful upstart!  He had one good line:
Dr. Who wrote:You know how adults are always telling you that everything is going to be 'all right', except deep down inside you know they're lying?

Well, everything's going to be all right.
Maybe he'll grow on me. :D
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Post by Mr.Pleasant »

I don't have any  [X] columns at all. Without knowing which extension you're using, it's difficult for others to recreate.
Is that it? You make me feel so lonely. Like having a disease noone ever heard about.
David Tennant rules and Matt Smith is a youthful upstart!
True. But with Mr. Moffat dictating his lines in a fine episode, it was a pretty good startup IMO.  :)
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Post by Kilmatead »

Mr.Pleasant wrote:Is that it? You make me feel so lonely. Like having a disease noone ever heard about.
Ever had scabies?  An interesting little mite that burrows under the skin around the metacarpals, on the feet, and joints in general where skin the folds.  It itches like mad and likes to run around your bed-linen..  You can get it from kittens, puppies, and children that play with soil.  A very sociable and communicable disease that's very friendly.  Easily gotten rid of as well, but fun while you have it.

In this case, x2 probably isn't "crashing", it's "hanging".  Yes, I know, a spurious semantic distinction which only someone like Nikos could love.  This would explain why you aren't getting a crash report; hanging is just that: snapped neck, no more cognitive function, no minidump (though I do recall reading somewhere that at the moment of death one's bowel muscles let go, so it's ironic there's no "dump" with hanging). :D

As the columns themselves do rather look like document-type info (PDF as you surmised) what reader/editor are you using, and is it x64 compatible?  If it's made by Adobe you can bet it's not compatible, even if they say it is.  (That's not me being snide, by the way, they really have atrocious x64 usability.)

Or do you use a PDF printer-driver, to create PDF's from documents, or the reverse to turn PDF's into .DOC's?  Or do you just have a Dalek in your context menu to scare the other gremlins away?

No small irony the new side-kick is a cute Scottish girl - who is actually allowed to use her own accent, unlike poor David.  Rose :thumbup: Martha :thumbup: Donna :thumbdn: Amy :thumbup:.  Not that I'm prejudiced, sexist, or anything like that. :wink:
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Post by Mr.Pleasant »

I need to check about scabies, but for the rest, you're onto something, I guess. X2 'stops responding' and then the ever so swift Windows immediately volunteers as the gladiator who would finish him. That must be hanging then  :withstupid:

I got the latest Creative Monster of Adobe installed, that's correct. It isn't 64bit, except for Photoshop. So if it is Acrobat's functionality, then maybe it is no suprise it won't work with X2-64bit. Makes me wonder how it is possible at all for these columns to be 'available': a misplaced 'backwards' compatibility with anything 32bit? Is there something the '[x]' wants to tell me?

Onto our real topic now: OK, I'm a bloody Dutchman, and here, when not in the Centre of Amsterdam, we are used to actually speak ... Dutch. I found David Tennant, even if he isn't talking with his own accent (if he did, I probably would have turned off the show), was sometimes difficult to understand. No such problem with Matt Smith. So... accent is relative.
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Post by Kilmatead »

Mr.Pleasant wrote:Makes me wonder how it is possible at all for these columns to be 'available': a misplaced 'backwards' compatibility with anything 32bit? Is there something the '[x]' wants to tell me?
These columns are often visible when installed via a 32-bit DLL, but usually they simply don't work, displaying nothing; they don't as a general rule, hang the hand that feeds them.
Mr.Pleasant wrote:OK, I'm a bloody Dutchman, and here, when not in the Centre of Amsterdam, we are used to actually speak ... Dutch.
Considering that I just learned the other day that they speak Dutch in Paramaribo-Suriname, I'm beginning to feel surrounded.  Is this a resurgence of your once-great maritime empire?  If so, it's just as well the Doctor is back to defend the Earth (or, as often is the case, London) from your evil advances.

Tennant liked to speak fast, 'tis true.  But personality can go a long way to excusing misunderstanding.  I once spent three days sequestered with a girl from Estonia who didn't speak a word of English.  And that didn't interfere with her personality one bit.  Of course, she wasn't charged with saving the Earth from marauding seafaring horticultural salesmen... :wink:
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Post by Kilmatead »

More to the point, actually: Do any of these "added columns" function properly (display information, not crash) when using Windows Explorer?  If so, then they are x64 compatible, and candidates for Nikos' own marauding quest to reinstate working columns to Vista/Win7 - assuming you can isolate their source.
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Post by Mr.Pleasant »

Interesting... these added columns are not available in WE, not to any 'kind' of folder. It isn't in the so-called 'more...' dialog when choosing columns in WE.

BTW, this lady from Estonia, she must be more like Rose, Martha or Amy than is like Donna, right?  :wink:
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Post by Kilmatead »

Mr.Pleasant wrote:Interesting... these added columns are not available in WE, not to any 'kind' of folder.
Well, there's your answer then.  And none-too-surprising given my general view of Adobe and compatibility with anything, assuming they are the culprit.  As you yourself said, you can live without them, so it looks like you'll have to. :shrug:
Mr.Pleasant wrote:BTW, this lady from Estonia, she must be more like Rose, Martha or Amy than is like Donna, right?
I did say, Not that I'm prejudiced, sexist, or anything like that.  Besides, I was a younger man then, and young men are not known for their discretion.  Indeed, they all wish to be renowned for their indiscretions.  Humans are weird that way.  Which is why the Doctor likes us!
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Post by Mr.Pleasant »

Thanks, Kilmatead. I'm just as happy without the columns. I started the subject because it might shed a new(?) light on these columns.
And as a side effect, I gained a nice chat about the Doctor, which is always good.

(thanks for the link, I start to remember that this [x] wasn't completely unknown to me!)
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Post by nikos »

so these are adobe PDF columns, I'll have a look
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Post by nikos »

i've checked the tsvn columns, they're ok in 64 bits
now for adobe PDF, is there a 64 bit version? All I saw was a 32 bit version in their website and no way to select for 64 bits
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