Scheduling Searches

Forum for Discussion of Crack Tracker Issues

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Scheduling Searches

Post by Riki »

I apologize for posting so much but I keep coming up with great ideas and hope someone can point me to a solution or perhaps suggest a feature for a future update.

Is it possible to schedule crack tracker to run searches throughout the day? This would be an amazing feature!

- Riki
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Post by nikos »

crack tracker can be started passing the search keyword as a command line argument. So you can setup a windows task to start crack tracker with your keyword(s)

keep in mind that the more you search, the bigger the chances that some of the search engines will blacklist your IP (I haven't seen this happening but it is a possibility)

the first time you run crack tracker, it will discover many cracks, but as you start removing them, each subsequent run will find less and less, so you don't have to search every day!
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