xplorer2 Resource Updating and Management for Dummies

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Post by DougalScott »

I have about 30 bookmarks, and the first 20 are on a toolbar. To put them on the toolbar they have to be in the first 20 (IIRC) and these are the same ones that appear in the bookmarks menu without using More. It would be nice if I could remove the ones on the toolbar from the menu, so the menu shows the next (less used ones).

I haven't played with the multi bookmark feature yet, maybe I can prostitute it to give me a second set of individual bookmarks which will display as a second list in the menu.

Or I might be able to use your ResHacker to create a new custom menu that lists the bookmarks from 20 on, that would be perfect. One click access to 20 most used, then 2 key access to remainder. I think that is what you were alluding to as "a ridiculous amount of trouble"?

I can just use FARR to open the folders from a menu, but will open in another instance not the current X2, which is not what I want.

Now off to read another thread - damn you, I need some sleep. ;)
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Post by DougalScott »

That looks like too much lost screen real estate for me. But did make me think that I could create user commands to change folder instead bookmarks. And IneedHelp had a bazillion user commands on his menu without needing to hit More (why doesn't the bookmarks menu work the same, is there a setting somewhere I don't know about like the max size to render thumbnails that drove me nuts for ages).

Tried using commands to change folder, but opens another instance of X2 - not what I want. If I type a path in the command line it will open in the current pane, why doesn't a similar user command  do the same?

Actually the user command I created automatically added a > at the start (without asking). After I removed it the command becomes ineffable. So don't think my user command plan will succeed. :(
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Post by DougalScott »

Well, talking about prostituting dual bookmarks, I couldn't get them to accept a single folder argument from within X2 - if only one pane is active then can't select add, and can't edit the target folders from within organise. But I was able to remove the second folder in the Dual bookmarks registry key and voila, now I can use that 'dual' bookmark to open a single folder.  :twisted: That gives me another 20 bookmark icons to play with (less any real dual ones I want to use). And in that other thread there was discussion about promoting menus to top layer so I believe I can make the dual bookmarks their own top level menu. Maybe I can even make Dual bookmarks the top level bookmark menu and make normal bookmarks a submenu of it (because they are nearly all on a toolbar anyway) - that would be perfect.

Actually even easier would be to transfer all my current most used single bookmarks to dual bookmarks and put them on the toolbar instead of the single bookmarks, and leave the remainder of the single bookmarks at the top of the single bookmark set where they will display in the Bookmarks menu. Should be pretty easy with a modified registry scrap.  :D  :D
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Post by nikos »

you are not limited to 20 bookmark icons (or whatever icons) just increase the custom menu items setting from tools > Advanced options (global page) then you won't have to resort to hacks like that!
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Post by DougalScott »

I haven't RTFM since about 1.8 and hadn't seen or forgot about that option - either a new option or my memory playing up again. :) Thank you very much, that was just what I wanted for a long time. Now I will have to find another excuse to play with Kilmatead's X2ResUpdater.  :lol:
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Post by DougalScott »

Thanks Kilmatead for such a great tool. I have been wanting to move the user commands menu to the top level for a while, and finally had a few hours spare so gave it a go. Bingo, coupla minutes and I now have a Commands menu right next to the bookmarks menu - perfect.
Shortcuts may be quicker, but I can never remember the ones I don't use regularly.
Again, thanks for the really simple and useful tool.
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Re: xplorer2 Resource Updating and Management for Dummies

Post by kunkel321 »

Has anyone used this tool with the latest Kenny? (The one with the Ribbon; ULT [Unicode] DBG 12/10/2014)
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Re: xplorer2 Resource Updating and Management for Dummies

Post by Kilmatead »

It'll work fine, none of the original resources have changed in a substantial way except the Mass Rename dialog has changed from 239 to 123 so it can't be auto-extracted, but doing it manually is nothing special. Also, Nikos appears to have possibly done something to the 222 bitmap rendering - but that's associated with a bug anyway, so the jury is out on that.

ResUpdater will (amusingly enough) recognise "kenny.exe" all by itself (I even forgot I added that :wink:) and the x2t_.dll will be happy as is, left out the back with a bowl of water and a biscuit in the mornings.

That said, you won't be able to mess with any ribbon resources (they're in binary form), and you really shouldn't be messing with resources in a beta anyway, given their potential for metabolic discombobulation. However, as I have always maintained that the only way left for contemporary humans to express their existential joie de vivre is to exercise the right to hurt themselves, so - have at it. :D

I'm still contemplating the feasibility of allowing ribbon modifications, so a proof-of-concept has not been attempted yet - we shall see.

Other than that, knock yourself out.
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Re: xplorer2 Resource Updating and Management for Dummies

Post by kunkel321 »

Thanks for trying with the Ribbon. Customization would be pretty cool. But in truth, most power-users will probably just stick to the old toolbar/menu setup.
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Re: xplorer2 Resource Updating and Management for Dummies

Post by DougalScott »

Ribbons = spawn of the devil :evil:
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Re: xplorer2 Resource Updating and Management for Dummies

Post by Kilmatead »

Believe it or not, x2ResUpdater actually gets an update (after 5 years!)... this is mostly to incorporate compatibility changes to the recently released new version of ResHacker 4.2.5, and to bring some of the included example resources better into line with more recent versions of x2 itself. Plus a few funky things that no one but me would ever care about. :D

You will need to update ResHacker as well - links in the original post.
Changelog for wrote:; Added: Extraction tab entries for:
; - DIALOG 120 (Comment Management)
; - ICONGROUP 270 (Scrap Window Icon)
; - ICONGROUP 350 (Hidden Files not Displayed)
; - HTML 346 (How Do I) - This whole pane is wasted as a help section, so can be commandeered for other types of evil fun
; - HTML 347 (Details Pane Source Code)
; Added: Support for suspicious x2 entities named Kenny
; Added: Support for SECTION23 Resource Type (HTML) - including Quick Content Replacement
; Added: Support for Compound Resources (those which contain multiple resource-types in a single RES file (Such as MENU 128 + HTML 246)
; - Automatically parsed for duplicates
; Fixed: Resources are now listed in natural-sort order, for those who complain about such things
; Fixed: x2 binary version number tracking and display
; Fixed: Deprecated warning messages on irregular ICONGROUP replacements
; Fixed: Added support for ResHacker version 4.2.5
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