Error Msg - There was a problem sending the command to the program

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Error Msg - There was a problem sending the command to the program

Post by dave9 »

Noticed this on ver. lite, on Win7

If I attempt to open two folders, doesn't matter if I right-click and choose Open with xplorer2, or if it is just clicking two different shortcuts to folders, if the 2nd click happens within about 2-3 seconds, it generates the popup error message: There was a problem sending the command to the program

I can easily reproduce this doing the exact same sequence, waiting a few seconds between clicks and it works w/o error, then not waiting 2-3 seconds and it then produces the popup message. When I get the popup message it does open the folder.

The system has been rebooted and it made no difference, has no other disk or slowness issues, works fine otherwise.

Upon doing a search, I saw the other topic for the pro version where someone reported that they had two instances of xplorer2 open at the time of the error, but in this case Task Manager does not show two instances open.
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Re: Error Msg - There was a problem sending the command to the program

Post by nikos »

is your system 64 bit? It could be that the problem is the 32-bit lite version (?)
have you tried the professional version for the same situation? Does it work or fails the same?
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Re: Error Msg - There was a problem sending the command to the program

Post by dave9 »

It is the 32bit lite version I'm seeing this on.

It was happening on a 32bit Win7, but I tested again on a 64bit Win7 and it also happens there. It may take a shorter pause to see it on the 32bit, but I can easily replicate it doing something like highlight two folders, right-click and choose "Open with explorer2". First window opens normally, 2nd window generates the error message popup box (but also opens).
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Re: Error Msg - There was a problem sending the command to the program

Post by nikos »

sorry i can't reproduce that
did you try the professional version?
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