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Re: deskrule build 1.0.26

Posted: 2014 Jun 04, 18:30
by drac
I kind of like the idea of Soylent Green. Rather than rotting underground or sitting in an urn over the fireplace, at least we can do something to benefit others. For some, that might be the only time they actually do that. For those that ARE sentimental, they can keep a can of grandpa (or grandma) on the fireplace or have them be part of holiday meals - even after their demise.

Re: deskrule build 1.0.26

Posted: 2014 Jun 04, 19:49
by Kilmatead
I always felt there was something interesting about the powdered mashed-potatoes, and the thickening agents therein when I was a kid. Mum always said she got the recipe from her mum... this (he says with slowly widening eyes) could explain a lot of things they always said I was too young to understand about the "better place" grandie went to...

Introduce the karmic concept of people being reborn as insects and stuff, and that could also explain why so many ants and flies seem to congregate at just the right time at just the right place for family din-dins.

Never mind the mystery as to why tea was the colour of a classic old Irish Setter...


Re: deskrule build 1.0.26

Posted: 2014 Jun 05, 06:12
by dunno
Kilmatead wrote: It turns out that Ferrari's are for posers
The locals where I live place great importance on the 'car', the 'car' decides the status and respect due, needless to say my made in China P.O.S rusty bicycle, (I would have to pay someone to steal it), has placed me at the bottom of the 'respect' list in the local community.
Kilmatead wrote: and women 20 years younger are amazingly dumb and all seemingly obsessed with their phones.
and the older, or pc correct, 'mature' one's, are dragons, Whenever a local aristocratic 'my-lady' pretentious wannabe asks why I don't have a wife, I politely reply, "I prefer living alone than with a dragon", it's amusing to see the polite cold smile that ensues, that cold tweezer lipped smile means, you will never be invited to my house. Whenever a my-lady wannabe utters the phrase, "I have a great friend you should meet", I reply, "if she isn't wealthy don't bother", again that cold tweezer lipped smile, It's ferkin fun this aristocrat social nose rubbing stuff.

this thread was hi-jacked wasn't it ?.

Re: deskrule build 1.0.26

Posted: 2014 Jun 05, 10:22
by Kilmatead
dunno wrote:this thread was hi-jacked wasn't it?
And that ever stopped us... when? :wink:

...wait... I seem to recall you once bragging about riding Harleys around that island of yours (that was you, wasn't it - I seem to recall pictures too?) - and if that doesn't qualify as posing, what does? (If that wasn't you, I apologise, and will ferret out the imposter poser-ferrets...)

Re: deskrule build 1.0.26

Posted: 2014 Jun 05, 10:58
by dunno
Kilmatead wrote:...wait... I seem to recall you once bragging about riding Harleys around that island of yours (that was you, wasn't it - I seem to recall pictures too?) - and if that doesn't qualify as posing, what does? (If that wasn't you, I apologise, and will ferret out the imposter poser-ferrets...)
memory of a horse you have :)

That harley episode, I reluctantly agreed to drive a pickup with trailer as a backup/breakdown vehicle for the Harley posers, typical case of 'suits' wanting to be 'bad ass'. being in the backup pickup I was assured of no association.

Now, about those two horses, never look a gift horse in the mouth, always two.

Re: deskrule build 1.0.26

Posted: 2014 Jun 06, 07:16
by nikos
I used to have a sort-of-harley and all my friends called me a poser (it was a good bike btw, it went as well as it looked). Now I have a pushbike and a SUV for the kids :)

Re: deskrule build 1.0.26

Posted: 2014 Jun 06, 07:39
by Kilmatead
nikos wrote:...and all my friends called me a poser
Was this before or after your Bozo-the-Clown phase?


Re: deskrule build 1.0.26

Posted: 2014 Jun 06, 08:23
by nikos
back then I used to have this power tool

when are you going to show us one of your mugshots, with or without animal company?

Re: deskrule build 1.0.26

Posted: 2014 Jun 06, 09:16
by Kilmatead
After kunkel321 (who seems to have gone missing after fatherhood came crashing down on his head) hacked my webcam, I retired from the visual world, and indeed for the last 20 years exactly one photo of me was ever taken (excluding CCTV), and thankfully, I don't own it. Social networking is for the weak and insecure. Yes kids, it is possible to disappear in the world if you really want to - one of the only benefits to being a grown-up (aside from not having to eat your peas and carrots, and the ability to eat dessert first if you want to). :D

Back on topic (shock/horror!), deskrule seems to be quite unhappy if I right-click the C:\ drive via Computer (::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}) - the display shows C:\ in the search folder, but not only does it appear to search the entire system (finding things on M:\, etc) it also gets itself into an infinite loop, finding many copies of the same file in the same location when there's actually only 1. Invoked for a simple name search, nothing extravagant. Stock settings, nuked reg before reinstalling.

Doesn't seem to happen if a non-root folder is selected - at least I've not seen it happen.


Happens repeatedly on the current 10026 debug build (also on the non-debug version). If you're really bored, feel free to peruse the 84MB DeRu log (5MB packed) it gave me before I assassinated it...

I've also ran into more than a little graphical distortion from time to time (unpredictable, and doesn't always clear easily, and it's not always the same), though this is confined to the non-debug version, which also seems to act like a TSR - not sure if that's intentional or not:



Re: deskrule build 1.0.26

Posted: 2014 Jun 06, 10:18
by nikos
perhaps you have some junction there that goes all over the place or/and goes in circles itself?
or could it be that deskrule got dizzy and was lead astray by your video collection ;)

Re: deskrule build 1.0.26

Posted: 2014 Jun 06, 10:33
by Kilmatead
That's why I gave you the log, so you can figure out why your child was rummaging around my porn-drive where it shouldn't be. And how can it follow a junction when the default settings are set for grannies? Hmm? (There is no such reparse-point on the main drive anyway.) Riddle me that, Grandad Batman.

(Repeatable - I just killed one that generated a 200MB DeRu log. It does not like C:\ root for some reason.)

Re: deskrule build 1.0.26

Posted: 2014 Jun 06, 10:40
by nikos
the followjunctions bit is not changeable from within the program, if you turned it on at some point manually, it will remain on
i'll have a look at the log file -- I didn't see any problems searching my c:

Re: deskrule build 1.0.26

Posted: 2014 Jun 06, 11:39
by Kilmatead
As I stated above, I nuked the reg before reinstalling the version from this thread specifically to clear any possible corruption when testing this issue. If GAOPT_FOLLOWJUNCTIONS could survive that, I'd be more than impressed, I'd be worried. :wink:

Re: deskrule build 1.0.26

Posted: 2014 Jun 06, 13:19
by nikos
it took me 2 hours to find the fekin toolbar button problem (pic above) now I'll look into your path problem

Re: deskrule build 1.0.26

Posted: 2014 Jun 06, 17:27
by Kilmatead
drac wrote:For those that ARE sentimental, they can keep a can of grandpa (or grandma) on the fireplace or have them be part of holiday meals - even after their demise.
As a contrary medievalist, I'm endlessly on a quest for (ironically) tying together contemporary threads with current events, and I also just can't resist an unpronounceable phrase on a balmy summer's day: Anthropodermic Bibliopegy. As reported via the New York Times Book Review, Harvard has confirmed it has a book bound with human skin in its collection... something which they point out is not really all that unusual:
The practice of binding books in human skin, which dates at least to the 16th century, was once somewhat common [...] criminal confessions were occasionally bound in the skin of the convicted, and individuals might request to be memorialised for family or lovers in the form of a book covered in a piece of themselves.
Not, we'll admit, as nutritional as Soylent Green - but if (for whatever reason) I'm ever convicted of any decent crime (worthy of actually being convicted of), I would most certainly request that my confession be bound by my own skin. And that is what justice is meant to be... not the wishy-washy rubbish doled out by greybeards and corporate lobbyists - but the real undeniable hard evidence of reality itself, which all can understand without reading the fine-print, or suffering a degree in ipso-facto hocus-pocus.

The redemption of the abandoned and lost cometh in many forms. :D