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Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 21, 13:51
by bawldiggle
This has nothing to do with "fault". Nobody's fault ... unfortunately ... shit happens

Obviously something is broken somewhere on the planet.
- with failures with me on one side of the Pacific Ocean and others in the USA ... a bit hard to trace :shock:
- and Nikos in UK a lot of links in between us all.
- life will always deliver disappointments, it never goes the way we expect it.

And thank you for the answer to my question :)
What will "Ultimate" cost me ?

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 21, 14:02
by bawldiggle
Nikos wrote:for example, did you get my email reply earlier today? I sent it to you but you didn't get it (?)
It is 0023hrs here.
- finally lodged this post at 0100hrs our local time

in the last hour I have received 3 emails from
One sent at 7:31pm yesterday (5 hours ago)
One sent at 11:10 pm yesterday (1 hour 13 minutes ago)
One sent at 11:17 pm yesterday (1 hour 20 minutes ago)
- all notifications for forum posts "Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3"

The only other email I have had this year was dated 11:30am yesterday (13 hours ago)
- from ... Titled ... ANN: xplorer2 v3.0 released

No other emails this year.
- I thought I would have received a notification for v3 nearer the release date 25-Feb-2015

Lets put this episode behind us. :beer:

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 21, 14:24
by Kilmatead
bawldiggle wrote:I thought I would have received a notification for v3 nearer the release date 25-Feb-2015
Actually v3 was released on 1-Jan-15... this last email was more for piggybacking DeskRule to kill more birds with single stones. Generally the email announcements are delayed for a month or two to allow the minor point-releases to fix niggling details missed during betas (as we are now Most people don't actually follow through the forum, so the email is a general catch-all.
bawldiggle wrote:Lets put this episode behind us.
Not until you tell us the answer! Us lurkers wanna know! Did you qualify or was Nikos being a tight-arse? :D

I vote for tight-arse. It suits that "grumpy and recalcitrant nature" of his that I referred to earlier.

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 22, 09:01
by nikos
do you have another email? Just use a simple hotmail/gmail to contact me and all shall be well

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 24, 11:34
by RightPaddock
@bawldiggle - I'm in Aus also. I've lost United Internet, GMX, 1by1 and zabkat twice, once in mid November for 3 days and once in January for 2 days

United Internet is a €40B German ISP located near Cologne, it owns 1by1 and GMX. When I lost the UI sites I also lost a couple of sites located on an unrelated web host provider in Fort Wayne New Jersey - that is bizarre. I got around it by hooking up to a DNS server in Hong Kong.

I know of people in Singapore, Seattle, Chicago and Odense who have had similar problems at different times with GMX and United - one of them uses Verizon which is bigger than all the ISPs in Aus, NZ, etc combined.

As a result I have effectively closed my two GMX mail accounts and switched over to Fastmail. Thanks to Snowden, HRW, and Assange I lost Lavabit a few years ago - whammo, zap, powee... gone. I say bring back Pony Express, Cobb & Co and the Penny Black.


Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 24, 12:35
by nikos
the most usual problem is that some 1&1 IP addresses are in spam lists (through no fault of my own) so some peoples' mailservers just discard emails I sent :shrug:

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 25, 11:43
by davews
I also use 1&1 for my email and yes, they do seem to get their servers on spam blacklists for some reason. I normally send through my ISP SMTP server, though that occasionally suffers from the same problem.
As for the subject of this thread, I have recently upgraded to v3 from V2. I support all the work Nikos does with the program but do think the time period for being allowed free or reduced upgrades is a bit short. The actual changes in V3 seem to be fairly small, at least for the features I use. It may be worth considering giving existing customers a permanent 50% discount as a token of appreciation rather than forcing the full cost after 2 years (or whatever it is).

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 25, 11:49
by nikos
i would regard this not just an incremental change from v2.5 -> 3 but as an investment for all new features that are going to come for the next 2-3 years till the next major upgrade.