FolderSize problem

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Re: FolderSize problem

Post by Brig »

:D If I'm ever in Ireland, you'll be able to spot me--I'll be the one in the hat. Probably a sombrero.
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Re: FolderSize problem

Post by Kilmatead »

You (of all people) have little to fear, for I am a card-carrying honorary member of D.R.E.A.D....


...with a real card and everything, presented to me personally by Dick the Bruiser himself (courtesy of WRIF) at the autoshow sometime in the early 80's (back when the auto-show [and radio!] [and rock music!] were still real). :D

Curiously, I think I met Jacques Cousteau at the same event, but he wasn't nearly as cool as a wrestler, and God only know what he was doing there anyway as cars and oceans generally don't mix. He certainly didn't present me with any hip plastic cards. Probably some nonsense about Great Lakes Conservation... Ah, memories...

I do not throw faeces at brothers in arms. (Unless you have turned to the dark side...)
Last edited by Kilmatead on 2015 Apr 13, 17:10, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: FolderSize problem

Post by Brig »

A card-carrying member! I am impressed. DREAD: Detroit Rockers Engaged in the Abolition of Disco. You are a Renaissance man, K.

WRIF is still going strong. I listen when I can--when the wife and kids aren't in the car. It's unfortunate, the members of DREAD were not successful. Disco--its present-day manifestations--took my kids. Despite my best efforts, they are not moved by the power of the electric guitar. :crying:
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Re: FolderSize problem

Post by Kilmatead »

To be fair, every time 8-Mile shows up on telly I watch it just to take the tour of the old 313 in my head... I sort of slid into being more of a Shostakovitch string-quartets fan in my middling years... but I do recall that the first concert I was ever allowed to attend (without parental intervention) was Judas Priest at Cobo arena. I will not claim to be "proud" of this fact, but at least my bona-fides were in the right place. :D And if the well-tempered clavier of my DREAD membership was tarnished in earlier and later decades, I did make up for it by attending numerous Santana concerts during the University years...
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Re: FolderSize problem

Post by dunno »

Ah yes, the good ol days, musicians that created meaningful music.

Talking about Riff's, Blackmore from 03:20 below,
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Re: FolderSize problem

Post by drac »


Yes, it is obvious your rant was in jest - as are portions of my posts. As a person, not unlike yourself (I imagine) who does not suffer fools gladly, I enjoy sparing with someone who can participate at a level that affords me the opportunity to learn new things and forces me to work hard to stay in the fray. In that sense you are a good dragon.

As a Renaissance Man, I may not have the need for SOME features of a great file manager (like dual panes or tabs) but that does not mean I do not appreciate and use other features that cannot be found in Windows Explorer. It is not up to anyone to decide how I should use a product that I purchased. You may see it as a waste if I bought a Ferrari but only drive it back and forth to the health club twice a week. But I may get great pleasure during those few minutes (my health club is about 3 blocks from my home, and no, I don't have a Ferrari) of luxury.

Mirrored browsing is one of the few situations where I will switch to dual pane mode. Again this is rare, but it is NICE to have that option in my file manager. Like the Ferrari, if I am willing to pay for something that I rarely use and that has nice features that I never use, that should be my option and not subject to the comments of others. You can certainly think what you want, but once a thought leaves your mind - either verbally or in writing - that thought becomes subject to action and reaction by others. In this regard you are the stand-in for all those people, real or imagined by me in a paranoid fugue. So my retort is not just directed at you, Kilmatead, but at all the other people that I would like to say it to but can't because I have no direct connection to them.

Joining in on your Macrium Reflect reference. Clearly you get much greater benefit from that software than I do. But, like insurance, it is something I have in case I need it and am perfectly happy to never need the service I am paying for. But I am VERY glad I have it if disaster strikes.

I admit to being solipsistic (though not to being a reductionist) - though interacting with you makes me question whether I have the ability to create someone like you and therefore weakens my solipsism. But that's another issue.

as an aside, I would think you would relate more to Cato the Younger, than to his great grandfather. Your shouting here is not, I think, into a void but into a populated space where your words are heard, but maybe not directly acknowledged. My raison d'être - at least in terms of this forum - it to let you know that your words ARE heard and considered and, at times, challenged. You may see me as nothing more than a pesky small mammal that you, the mighty dragon, swats at with its huge tail. Still I do manage to get your attention and so my existence here is given meaning. Sometimes I wonder why a great thinker like you is hanging out in this small backwater outpost of the web. To quote from the Billy Joel song, Piano Man, "Man what are you doing here?".
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Re: FolderSize problem

Post by Kilmatead »

drac wrote:...this small backwater outpost of the web.
It's somewhat delightful to imagine Nikos bristling (but really squirming) with umbrage at that disparagement (and misconception) of not only his abode, but of the web itself.

From my vantage point (atop my lofty faeces-strewn tree) the illusioned locales you probably consider mainstream are themselves nothing but easily dismissed white-noise and vapour, indeed codified as such by the amusing net-neutrality hippies themselves.

Tune in, turn on, drop out, daddio. :wink:
drac wrote:Man what are you doing here?
As he himself of The Band once said, echoing my answer to all such questions, "The wind just kinda pushed me this way..."

It seemed to me that this place needed a shite-shovelling gardener, so, here I am, much to the chagrin of the management. Nikos knows not what he did to deserve such a thorn in his side. :wink:
drac wrote:Clearly you get much greater benefit from that software [Macrium] than I do.
Considering in the last few years it has doubled in price, I darn-well better have some fun with it. If it doubles again for the next iteration, they're just taking the piss, and I will take solipsism to the epistemologically 'n'-th degree (a nice comfy place to sleep), and that will be that. One trick ponies don't get to double their prices arbitrarily. Two-trick ponies can (as that's the way of things), but not one trick ponies. Such things make the monkeys grumpier than even deforestation would do.
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Re: FolderSize problem

Post by drac »


I am not sure what Nikos would say, but I definitely see you as a thorn in his side, at times. But I assume he knows that your blustering is meant in fun (mostly) and tolerates or even accepts you because, when needed, you are one of the best sources of information and help on all things X2 arguably second only to the big guy, himself.

My "backwater" comment was not a disparagement as much as an observation. Of the few other forums I visit regularly, this is the least active. Now, that can be seen as a good thing - that the software is without significant issues, is easy and intuitive to use, the owners are technically oriented and of above average intelligence and when help is needed it is clear and concise so endless back and forth posts are unnecessary. Of course there are other ways to look at it, as well.

I might also add that forum members are very tolerant of some of the exchanges between you and various other forum members (like me) which are not related directly to X2. For that I am grateful.

I do NOT want to start a discussion on global economics, but inflation forces all prices higher. And eventually, short of a global economic meltdown, prices of everything will rise. Macrium added some neat new features - nothing that I have any use for (I am sure you are not surprised) - but they have to keep up with the competition. There is no reason you cannot continue using version 5 or version 6 or whatever version you have when the new price is not to your liking. Backup software that works well, does not really need a lot of new features. I guess that is true with a lot of software - too bad the people who write it AND the people who use it do not communicate well on that issue. The squeaky wheel is usually someone evaluating software and wanting the "perfect" program by hand picking all the features THEY think important from all the programs they reviewed and adding them into a single program. That might make a great program, but possibly one so bloated, expensive, problematic and complex that few users would be willing to accept the challenge of its use. There is an old saying in the software development industry: Make a program foolproof and only a fool will use it.
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Re: FolderSize problem

Post by Kilmatead »

drac wrote:Of the few other forums I visit regularly, this is the least active.
There's a certain group of people who work all day, then invite their blathering friends over to dinner every night, then on weekends go off searching for trinkets and beer and more endless distractions-from-insecurity.

Then these same people complain about being tired all the time and end up with ulcers and therapists and dysfunctional-complexes that would make the Aztecs look like holiday-planners. And why? Because they fill their lives with fluff, and don't even understand the concept of critical-thinking, where the only person in the world you can rely on is yourself. 99% of the internet is what I unceremoniously dismiss as "white-noise" - it's just that the names and faces change but the noise itself remains the same with each generation of the perennially-distracted reinventing the same old tropes for their own lack of education. Give me a busy forum and I'll give you 80 different flavours of masturbatory hell.

And people wonder why I'm a misanthropic hermit. :wink:
drac wrote:...inflation forces all prices higher. And eventually, short of a global economic meltdown, prices of everything will rise. Macrium added some neat new features [...] but they have to keep up with the competition.
Well... yes and no. I don't argue the point about inflation, but what they actually did was just remove a price-tier by including that tier's functionality as part of the base-package whether anyone wanted it or not, and thinking that justifies doubling the price. And yes, I know mathematically the price did not exactly "double" but it went higher than inflation can account for, and an off-topic post by Kilmatead that doesn't include at least a little bit of hyperbole passed off as Talmud-approved voodoo is just not an officially-authorised post by Kilmatead. :D

Yes, they did add new features, and ones that (surprisingly) actually justified an upgrade from previous versions - as you say, backup software isn't sexy, and if the basics work, how much "new" stuff can really be added before it becomes ridiculous and bloaty? That said, "keeping up with the competition" has nothing to do with price-points - when was the last time you saw a post on their forums that did not have the words "I am yet another refugee from Acronis" emblazoned across the top in invisible ink? Ever? I think not. Its always there if you read between the lines - sure there are always going to be the fans of obscure German software that seem to annually compete for the top prize in "Unfriendliest Software of the Year" competitions, but that's normal. Everyone else is there because "the competition" is just bathing in day-old sweat. :shrug:

On a broader scope, I will endlessly rail against the absurd perception that higher-prices denote higher quality. Charlatans like Apple have abused that notion for so long that the gullible public has bought into it, and now developers have bought into the gullible public! A vicious cycle of misconceived blasphemy that needs to be stamped out. On the hardware side of things, I am a believer that you get what you pay for - if you go looking for inexpensive SSD's on ebay, then you are the master of your own disappointment ("Daddy, what does 'refurbished' mean?"). But software does not abide by those same precepts - it does not need to be "free", obviously, but nor should it make you scratch your head with an exponentially indirect proportion to how much hair is left on that self-same head! (This, by the way, applies to all software, x2 included, so I'm not playing favourites - I'm saying that the industry is just as diseased as it was 25 years ago, and the general public aren't helping matters any.)

Now... what the heck were we talking about? :D Must have been biscuits and tea! No matter what the problem (Somalia, Dandruff, or scandals in Westminster) it's really always just about biscuits and tea if you delve into the subject thoroughly enough.
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Re: FolderSize problem

Post by dunno »

drac wrote: My "backwater" comment was not a disparagement as much as an observation.
Delightful youthful arrogance. Does one's surroundings determine whether a person of value resides there ?.
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Re: FolderSize problem

Post by drac »


Not at all. In cartoons people seek wise men in caves. :lol:
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