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Posted: 2001 Feb 13, 04:37
by Ash
If I had three wishes , 1st would be for world peace <ppl don't know how to live happily anymore> 2nd would be for time to  slow down <life is too fast paced, we don't take enough time to smell the roses and enjoy what we have> and ,,3,, would be for WINTER TO END!  LOL

Posted: 2001 Feb 14, 00:05
by susie
Hey Ash, I do like that wish for 'time to slow down'. I just might have to make it my 3rd wish. Sometimes I think I'd like to get off the train at Mayberry RFD. :biggrin:

Posted: 2001 Feb 14, 12:57
by pa sweetie
Ash, I like that wish for life to slow down too,  and Susie, if not Mayberry RFD how about at Petticoat Junction?  :biggrin:

Posted: 2001 Feb 15, 03:06
by Sup
The people in the horse group make it sound so good that I wish I had a horse. :cheesy:

Posted: 2001 Mar 23, 08:54
by Luvzfufu
all of you have wonderful wishes , If I could have three wishes I think that # 1 would be for there to be no crime, My Daughter is a survivor of violent crime , I say survivor because I never wan't her to think of herself as a victim....#2 would be to have more time with my Father he passed away when I was only 18 and I was daddy's little girl. #3 I would wish for more hours in a day. there never seems to be enough time in a day...

this is a page I made in memory of my Father if you like take a look..


(Edited[/url] by Luvzfufu at 3:56 am on Mar. 23, 2001)

Posted: 2001 Mar 23, 21:41
by Charm
luv that was such a beautiful tribute to your dad... He has to be smiling big time in heaven...thank you for sharing :biggrin:

Posted: 2001 Mar 24, 10:15
by Luvzfufu
Thank you char, that means alot :)

Posted: 2001 Mar 26, 03:42
by pa sweetie
Luv, very nice page.  He would be proud.  I lost my Dad when I was 11 and often wish I had more time to spend with him too.  Keep up the good work,  hugs....:)

Posted: 2001 Apr 13, 06:36
by Luvzfufu
thank you sweetie, :) *Hugs* Making that page was very special for me I miss my Dad very much :love:

Posted: 2001 Apr 18, 11:12
by JoKeR3383
I only have one wish, I want to go home....

Posted: 2001 Apr 19, 12:13
by ramrod98
1.Take my wife on a long vacation
3.Have enough money to live on without any worries

(Edited by ramrod98 at 3:41 pm on April 19, 2001)

Posted: 2001 Nov 01, 18:52
by westernrider488
yeah, 3 wishes

  i whish i can meet someone on this that is my age, 13, lol, is there even anyone on here between the ages of 12 and 15!!

  my dad lived on a farm so my horse can be closer that 3 min. away

   i wish my parents would get back to geather.


Posted: 2002 Jan 22, 00:48
by Horseluva7589
My number one wish would be that I would have an unlimited amount of wishes. My second wish would be that I would get the pony that I wanted I know that sounds self obsorbed but I really want him.  Well any way my third wish was that I lived on a horse farm that came true so i guess it would have to be that there wouldn't be any animal abuse ever and that everyone would be nice to everyone

Posted: 2002 Jun 12, 03:44
by copa1984
if I had 3 wishes...

my first one would be... To have my 2 best friends Sarah & Kayla back. :)

my second wish.... To be Zac Hanson's girlfriend ;)

my third wish..... To see my grandma again :p