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A Handy Little WinRAR Handoff...

Posted: 2014 Nov 05, 21:36
by Kilmatead
The most recent betas of WinRAR (version 5.20) include an update to the normal shell extension which allows you to right-click and drag objects to another location and automatically create an archive of those objects at said drop-location.

While many users have gone to great lengths creating complex user-commands to do similar custom actions (such as one pane to another), it's nice to see that this new shell extension ability works perfectly in x2: between panes, or directly into any folder object displayed anywhere in x2 - be that the tree, any pane (including scrap/miniscrap), or even directly onto toolbar bookmarks.

Handy. :!:

Re: A Handy Little WinRAR Handoff...

Posted: 2014 Nov 06, 10:26
by Tuxman
Still unsure if it's worth the money. I switched from a not-so-licensed WinRAR over PeaZip to 7-zip years ago and haven't missed a thing.
Hmm, wouldn't it be possible to write an AHK script which simulates that?