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Really simple question (process tree)

Posted: 2014 Dec 06, 10:16
by theo_neandonly
Whenever I run an application by double-clicking its icon within xplorer², I've noticed that it runs as a sub-process of the xplorer² process. This causes me a problem when I try to close xplorer² before closing the applications that are running "under" it -- it causes xplorer², the applications (upon attempting to close them later), or the entire system to "hang".

Is there any way to make applications open outside of the xplorer² process, so that I don't have this problem anymore, or is this absolutely unavoidable?

Re: Really simple question (process tree)

Posted: 2014 Dec 07, 10:51
by nikos
that's weird... does it only happen btw if you use xplorer2 beforehand to search for text in PDF documents?

Re: Really simple question (process tree)

Posted: 2014 Dec 10, 08:55
by theo_neandonly
It's always been that way, for the years I used xplorer2 in Windows XP, and now in Windows 7. Here's a screenshot from Process Explorer. In xplorer2, I navigated to the folder where I keep Avidemux and double-clicked the .exe's icon to open it. As you can see, this causes Avidemux to run as a sub-process of xplorer2. Since it's always been this way, for years now (at least since version 1.8, possibly earlier), I find it weird that you find it "weird." This is not really a desirable way for the program to operate, so if you can think of any way to prevent it, or if you can address the issue in future versions, I would be most grateful.

Oh, and to answer your question: I have never used xplorer2 to search for text in PDF documents.

Re: Really simple question (process tree)

Posted: 2014 Dec 10, 09:31
by theo_neandonly
Also, since having the proper terminology is essential when researching a problem, I've discovered that this is called a "parent-child" relationship between the xplorer2 process and the Avidemux process. Avidemux is a child process of xplorer2 (the parent). If I close xplorer2, but leave Avidemux running, Avidemux becomes an orphaned process. This is fine most of the time, but once in a while my system hangs when I try to exit Avidemux (end the orphaned process).

Re: Really simple question (process tree)

Posted: 2014 Dec 10, 09:57
by nikos
well parent and child processes are nothing out of the ordinary but you can freely quit the parent without affecting the children. So that's the weird thing in your case. Windows explorer works the same way

Re: Really simple question (process tree)

Posted: 2014 Dec 10, 14:23
by theo_neandonly
Thanks for replying, Nikos. :)

So I guess the problem I've been having is due to my system and not xplorer2. Not happy news. :( Now I have to figure out *why*...

Re: Really simple question (process tree)

Posted: 2014 Dec 10, 14:53
by Kilmatead
theo_neandonly wrote:Now I have to figure out *why*...
Certainly in the case of Avidemux, you should look at codecs. While everyone knows what codecs "are", they often don't realise that they are greedy little critters which are invoked when needed and (in the case of poor ones) often "don't let go" of their prey when their race is over. Some of them are polite and show tray-icons when active to allow for options, but most run (and continue to run) without any real notification. They don't usually show up as separate processes either (being DLL's most often). As Avidemux is a project which is primarily developed under the Linux flag, the Windows ports are usually treated as after-thoughts and do not always behave precisely as the original developers intended for any given platform. This happens with Gimp all the time - not enough to force me to stop using such programmes of course, but enough that I question them first when a dead body washes up on my beach. :wink:

Not that codecs would be the only culprits, but they are good place to start. And especially any programmes which have active shell-extensions relating to their intended aspects (such as file-uploaders, photo-converters, la, la, la... you get the idea). The majority will be kosher, but even the most innocent of children can grow up to be a serial killer given an inattentive developer. :shrug:

Considering that you have had this recurring difficulty over different operating systems, the second port of call is to look at "all the programmes you use everyday and have trusted for donkey's years and are the first to be installed on a fresh system". Those usually show themselves to be the least trustworthy of evil cheating spouses, despite what we like to think of as our better judgement. :D (Yes, my therapist has said I shouldn't judge everyone like that just because I got burned once by a bad-apple - but who trusts therapists anyway? I mean, what do they really know anyway... bloody self appointed experts... "I'll show her a thing or two about the real world...", etc.)