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Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 07, 07:45
by bawldiggle
Am I entitled to upgrade from v2.5.0.2 to v3.0.0.3

I purchased v2.x.x.x on 7 Mar-2014 (today last year) .. I am in Australia

On it states ...
I know it's not what you would like to hear first thing on a New Year's Day, but this latest xplorer² version is not a free upgrade for existing license holders. Any sustainable business needs return customers, so 3 years after the last paid-for upgrade, loyal customers are asked to reach for their wallets. Everyone will need to obtain a new unlock key for v3.0, but many people will get it for free.
Reads like new speak -- George Orwell could not have expressed it "worser" !
- my eyes are bleeding from the challenge of double negatives

Where do I stand ?

I don't want to stuff up my existing v2 (with all my customizations) with a trial of v3

On ... t=30357912
Check for updates wrote: ie ... t=30357912
To stay informed on important news and updates join the mailing list or subscribe to the RSS feed
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How do I subscribe to the mailing list
RSS feeds have got me bluffed ... ie, I don't know how they work
- yes I do now ... my one and only RSS with 'FreeFileSyncNews" has some new links
- so I guess RSS does not notify me of anything ... I have to remember to open the RSS feed bookmark

I would appreciate some guidance on both matters :)

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 07, 09:26
by Kilmatead
Version 3 uses the same settings as version 2, so there's no great conflict there if you wish to try it first. That said, you can always just export your current settings as backup first (Actions -> Export Settings), which you should do on a regular basis anyway, just for convenience.

The only form I can see for registering for the mailing list is actually provided when you run the installer, it's at the bottom of the perennially annoying "welcome page". :shrug:

Upon installation you will be prompted with the upgrade license-check form - if it rejects you, send Nikos an email with your information - he tends to be understanding about these things, contrary to his usual grumpy and recalcitrant nature. :wink:

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 08, 23:23
by Double
Not trying to hijack his thread, but i have a related question. In the event that i have to uninstall/reinstall for whatever reasons, how do i restore or import the .reg backup?

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 08, 23:36
by FrizzleFry
It's just a regular registry file... so just double-click it from Windows Explorer while x2 is not running... it's not a good idea to double-click it from x2...

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 08, 23:46
by Double
Oh okay, thanks for the quick response :D

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 09, 01:18
by bawldiggle
I don't have a problem with extras, I have a lot to learn about X2 (can't get use to "x2" instead of Xlorer2)

I am guilty of asking extra questions too, even in my own threads ...
originally the thread was "Bookmark multiple tabs" then it became Bookmark multiple tabs + lassoing multiple files

Are there public floggings for off-topic posts. ? :alien:

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 09, 07:32
by FrizzleFry
You would have to ask Kilmatead about that :)

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 09, 08:21
by Kilmatead
Only for supporters of overly rational types like Descartes or Pascal, who don't appreciate that answers can always involve flights of fancy and inspire the odd change of perspective.

For example, the goddess of the sea in Inuit mythology is a girl named Sedna - she's a bit angry all the time as her father once gave her away in marriage to a crow in disguise, but the following day showed remorse and climbed into his kayak to rescue her from an island across the water. The crow was angered by this and called to the god of the sea to help him... this brought great fear to the father and he pushed Sedna out of the boat in an attempt to save himself. When she tried to climb back aboard, he took his axe and chopped off her fingers, so she fell back into the water and henceforth became a bit of a vengeful girl who hunters must placate if they wish to fish in her waters.

What does this have to do with upgrading to version 3 or backing up one's settings? I have no idea, but if you don't start off each day with an inspiring bit of Inuit mythology, you're just not fully awake. :D

As an experienced public flogger myself, who's had his fingers attacked on a regular basis by the axe-wielding "on-topic" techno-nazi's of the world, I maintain that there's no such thing as off-topic conversations, there are only loose-affiliations which are beyond the cause of human reasoning and defy direct association. :wink:

At least, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it, officer. (Supporters of Descartes and Pascal be warned. Supporters of Voltaire, on the other hand, have nothing to fear, as he was ever the friend of a fanciful flight or two. The 18th-century was always so much more relaxed than the 17th in so many ways.)

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 09, 10:23
by bawldiggle

So we have a scholar in our midst.
I hope you don't use the corruption of "myths" for untruths ... as a grateful student of Jung, Campbell, Hiller, Rouhr etc ... myths are sacred/metaphors.

And then there are the fan-boys who talk about GUIs being "intuitive" ... what a load of hog ignorance
Ask any woman what "intuition" is! Its all about the "vibes" ... poking junk food fingers at touch screens is not "vibes"

So does this mean there will be a public flogging :twisted: ... I don't have a problem with the sight of blood.
As long as it is not mine

Now my tiny mind is exhausted ... my vocabulary is all used up on bovine excrement

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 21, 02:26
by bawldiggle
** BIG BUMP **

Has anybody seen Nikos ?

What is wrong with this "Contact Form"
- when I tried to send the "Contact form" ... "Fields incomplete" ... which one ?
what is wrong with this form.PNG

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 21, 08:31
by nikos
you cannot use http:// in the form, that's what the error message says. For easier support use the direct email command from xplorer2 HELP > ONLINE SUPPORT

when you find that "support doesn't work" it is usually your fault because I always reply but because of your spam filters and what have you, you don't receive :shrug:

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 21, 11:49
by bawldiggle
@ Nikos
I don't have spam filters of any kind.
- as a paying customer I am very disappointed in the tone of your post
- I am also looking to upgrade to Ultimate

When do I get an answer to my question ... for the (now) 4th time ?

Am I (now "was I") entitled to an upgrade to v3
- I purchased Xplorer2 PRO on 7-Mar-2014 (last year) and exactly 12 months later (to the day) I enquired "am I entitled to an upgrade to v3?"
- based on information in post #1 dated 2 weeks ago in this thread
AND ... my Contact Form email on the 7-Mar-2015 .. for which I cannot prove sending. A drawback of web-mail forms.
AND ... an email I sent to "" today (approx 10 hours ago) bypassing the Contact Form.

A simple yes or no will suffice .. without the slights at my intelligence.

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 21, 12:10
by nikos
for example, did you get my email reply earlier today? I sent it to you but you didn't get it (?)
so what else can I do? Your email didn't send me any indication that it refused my reply yet still you didn't get it. Whose fault is that then?

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 21, 12:17
by Kilmatead
Not for nothing, but the zabkat email hosting via 1&1 seemed to be problematic last month as well...

Re: Am I entitled to an upgrade to v3

Posted: 2015 Mar 21, 13:21
by bawldiggle
I am in Australia. ISP is second biggest in the country, with there own dedicated lines and hardware.
- I pay a premium for guaranteed service
- they are never down and I receive about 100+ emails a day from state and federal govt customers,
- they would be screaming at me if emails were failing either way.