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Mouse peek for Markdown

Posted: 2021 Jun 26, 17:26
by stevecrane
I like the new mouse peek feature but it's a little disappointing that .md (Markdown) files preview as plain text rather than as formatted Markdown. I use short Markdown files to keep notes I need to refer to in a set of TIL (Today I Learned) folders on disk and it would be awesome if I could read them formatted with mouse peek.

Re: Mouse peek for Markdown

Posted: 2021 Jun 26, 20:16
by nikos
do they show in the NATIVE preview tab?

Re: Mouse peek for Markdown

Posted: 2021 Jun 27, 06:12
by stevecrane
Yes, they are formatted there. I must admit that I never have used the preview panes as this is the first use I've had for previewing.

I was just playing with it and not liking having preview open as another pane inside the main window I tried dragging it out and making it bigger so now I have a larger preview window open alongside xplorer² that I can show or hide as needed with Ctrl-Q, which works fine as I use the keyboard more than the mouse anyway. The size and position is remembered across xplorer² restarts so that makes it a perfect solution, more so than mouse peek would be. There is a slight delay on moving to a new .md file as it is formatted, which may not make formatted Markdown a good fit for mouse peek without a caching scheme in any case.

Thanks for the prompt to get me to dig into this. :D No doubt there are many other features of xplorer² that I haven't discovered even though I've been using it for years.

Re: Mouse peek for Markdown

Posted: 2021 Jun 27, 08:44
by nikos
I am considering adding "native" previewers in mouse peek but one idea is QUICK preview and most of the native viewers take their time, so the peek preview would get slow... that's why it's simple types only for the time being