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Programmable column

Posted: 2023 May 31, 09:15
by ozzii
I can't do this this with the programmable column.
I would like to have the count of the number of files with the pdf extension in the folder.
This : ${Extension} = mkv is not ok because it's counting the extension of the folder
and ${Contents}${Extension}=mkv doesn't work

I would like something like that one "Name Size Contents Modified {Shell File System Folder}" but only with the count (column contents here) of the pdf files.

Re: Programmable column

Posted: 2023 May 31, 10:59
by nikos
there is a simpler way to do this, use TOOLS > ADVANCED OPTIONS menu, search for FILE COUNT RULE and make it *.pdf
then the contents column will only count pdfs

Re: Programmable column

Posted: 2023 Jun 02, 06:52
by ozzii
Yes, this is a solution, but not definitive because it's a globale answer who can't be easily changed.
Because if I want to have several columns model with different count of different type of files. This is not working. Also, if I want to have one column with the pdf count and just near it a column with the docx. Not possible in this case
But thanks anyway, I will use this until, maybe, a programmable solution.

Re: Programmable column

Posted: 2023 Jun 02, 08:43
by nikos
there is a way to have it more flexible: instead of a wildcard, set it (in ADVANCED OPTIONS) to the name of a saved global filter (e.g. from find files dialog). Then you can change the filter definition on the fly and the contents column will update accordingly