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Still got problem when deleting a folder in the tree folder

Posted: 2004 Feb 23, 23:20
by namoi
I've sended a post already about that particular topic, and it don't seem to be resolve with this new release (with all the big respect i have for the creator(s) of this fine program).
But maybe someone around has the solution : i use Win XP (SP1 and SP1a) and when i try to delete a folder DIRECTLY in the folder tree of WinExplorer, there is no problem. BUT if i try to do the same with xplorer2 (when this folder is open in one of the two pans) i got an error saying "impossible to delete xxx. this ressource is beeing used by etc...". I know it's a problem of handle, but it don't seem to be a problem under the M$ explorer shit... again it's a pitty. So if someone know how to fix it, it would be very nice to share the tip.
