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How to specify AM & PM for Change Attributes feature?

Posted: 2004 Mar 10, 09:51
by boonkui
Hi Nikos,

In X2, I tried to set the timestamp of a file using "Change Attributes" dialog (Shift-F12). I was unsure how to specify the AM or PM part. Can you please advise?

For instance, if I enter "10" for the hour, would that be AM or PM?

Thanks :wink:

Posted: 2004 Mar 10, 10:08
by vserghi
If you look in the control panel and select "Regional Options", navigate to the "Time" tab you should see how the time is displayed on your system. I think that the 24 hour clock is the default (and only) method.

Entering a 10 should result in an AM time stamp whereas 22 should be PM.

Posted: 2004 Mar 10, 10:24
by boonkui
Hi vserghi,

You are right that my system is having 12hr time format. I am not allowed to enter 22 in the hour field.

I think your workaround should work. But I am trying not to use the 24hr time format :(

I found another work around though to choose AM or PM in 12hr format.
1) Enter a value for hour field, say 10.
2) Accept it and check the resultant timestamp.
3) If it's incorrect, perform 1) again and scroll up/down to the other value 10.
4) Accept it and bingo!

Thanks :)

Posted: 2004 Mar 10, 10:51
by nikos
i just made the time box a bit wider so you can see the AM/PM too
the correct time format in the regional settings (control panel) would be:
hh:mm:ss tt including the "tt" that stands for AM/PM

Posted: 2004 Mar 10, 11:06
by boonkui
Thanks. That's great :D

Shall wait for the next next release. Hope you don't mind making the Unicode build as well.