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Tabbed browsing?

Posted: 2005 Apr 29, 05:41
by FI-Aflak
This may have come up before.  I literally just heard about and grabbed this program, as Windows Explorer has become unbearable (certain folders just hang . . . the whole system . . . argh!) and this is wonderfully fast and not hang-y.

So I noticed the dual-panes and said cool, but hey, Opera (and Mozilla variants, I know) has these wonderful tabs . . .

And I think tabs would be such an amazingly fantastic addition to this program, that you should consider implementing it.  To go even farther, I would love a system akin to Opera (one of the reasons I use Opera), where you can save "sessions", and when you open the program it brings those same tabs into existance . . .

So you could open 2 x explorer and, bam, theres a tab for your documents folder, theres a tab for your entertaining video collection, theres a tab for your music, etc. etc.

It would be fantastic.  This probably has come up before, so just consider this post another user chiming in and saying you should add tabs.

Edit:  I'm sorry, I kinda screwed the poll up.  And now I can't edit it.  I didn't mean to.

Posted: 2005 Apr 29, 07:59
by narayan
This product is discontinued, and replaced with xplorer2 Litewhich already has tabbed browsing. You can download it from this site and elsewhere...

And if you are not using it for personal use, there is a PRO version also with more features.