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Option to automatically remove spaces after file names...

Posted: 2006 Jan 27, 11:08
by TsunamiZ
Please add an option to automatically remove spaces after file names.  


file .jpg  >  file.jpg

It would make editing and pasting file names much more efficient.  Thanks.  :wink:

Re: Option to automatically remove spaces after file names..

Posted: 2006 Jan 27, 11:40
by JRz
TsunamiZ wrote:[...]It would make editing and pasting file names much more efficient.  Thanks.  :wink:
I don't understand how this would make editing and pasting file names more efficient.

Obviously someone gave the file that name, including the space (typo excluded of course, but I suspect you won't be typing that wrong all the time :) ).
So why would you want X² to change this? What is gained by doing this?

I can imagine you'd want a way to get rid of these spaces doing a (mass) rename however. This is something which has been requested before: get editing capabilities on the mass renamer to be able to specify any changes to existing names (preferably by using RegEx expressions).

Re: Option to automatically remove spaces after file names..

Posted: 2006 Jan 27, 12:33
by TsunamiZ
This is how it can help a lot:

cat 01.jpg > [double click to highlight and delete the "01"] > cat .jpg

Now wouldn't it be nice if x2 is smart enough to remove that excess space for you?  So it can AUTO correct to:


Now imagine repeating this for a lot of similar situations.  :x

Re: Option to automatically remove spaces after file names..

Posted: 2006 Jan 27, 12:41
by TsunamiZ
Another scenario:

You download a program installer off the net...


You want to rename that file using copy/paste of the full name from the program's website--which is...

Super App 3.05  

Now try to select that file name and notice I've inconvenienced you and left 2 spaces after the name [perhaps the name was part of a sentence or something].  And so when you paste the copied name to rename the file, you get...

Super App 3.05  .exe


Re: Option to automatically remove spaces after file names..

Posted: 2006 Jan 27, 12:43
by TsunamiZ
Folder names already do this auto space correction.  File names should have it. too.  :wink:

Posted: 2006 Jan 27, 16:56
by BRX
I don't think that's a feature I want.

I often specifically add such a space because I want it to differ e.g. from a file with the same name but different content and want to have them in the  same folder (okay, I could rename them otherwise; still it's a valid filename).

I think that's more a matter of preference and something that can and should be done with the available rename tools like THERename or Flexible File Renamer.

As always, if it should be added please just as an option.

Posted: 2006 Jan 27, 17:05
by TsunamiZ
As always, if it should be added please just as an option.
I did request it as an option.

But for practical purposes, I think more users will benefit from this feature than those who prefer to count the number of spaces after a file name instead of puting numbering after it.  :wink:

Posted: 2006 Jan 27, 19:34
by snakebyte
I had a similar problem.  

I download lots of files from the net. These files often contain underscores or dots in the file name instead of spaces. The file names are also in all small cases. I wanted a one click solution to fix the selected file names. No file renamer utility could do what I wanted with just one click, so I wrote a autoIt3 script and added it to my Xplorer2 toolbar. This script takes the selected files as input and it renames them, by replacing all the underscores and dots with spaces and it also capitalizes the file name.

As you see this is a special case and I couldn't have expected Nikos to add it in Xplorer2. TsunamiZ, your requirement is similar to mine and is not generic. What if tomorrow some one wants to remove leading space from a filename?

According to me one of the most powerful feature of is Xplorer2's user command and its parameter set. Try to take full advantage of this. You can write a simple AutoHotkey or autoIt3 script which can handle this special case for you.

Let me know if you need any help with the scripting.

Posted: 2006 Jan 27, 20:01
by TsunamiZ
What if tomorrow some one wants to remove leading space from a filename?
It already does that.

x2 knows how to select the file name before the extension.  It's not that crazy to ask for removing the last space of a file name [like folders].  :roll:

Posted: 2006 Jan 27, 20:14
by snakebyte
TsunamiZ wrote:
What if tomorrow some one wants to remove leading space from a filename?
It already does that.
I was just giving that as an example. But what I wanted to point out was what you are looking for is a very user specific requirement and I doubt if it'll ever get implemented in Xplorer2.

BTW xplorer2 already removes extra spaces for files after file name just like for folders.
"    "  => ""

So folders are not being treated differently than files.

Posted: 2006 Jan 27, 20:20
by TsunamiZ

But you missed the example.

cat .jpg  vs  cat.jpg

File name is before the extension.

Posted: 2006 Jan 27, 20:22
by TsunamiZ
And the examples I pointed out are not uncommon for modern users to do.  So it has very practical and frequent uses for modifying file names.

Posted: 2006 Jan 28, 19:11
by JRz
snakebyte wrote:[...]As you see this is a special case and I couldn't have expected Nikos to add it in Xplorer2. TsunamiZ, your requirement is similar to mine and is not generic. What if tomorrow some one wants to remove leading space from a filename?
Very good point. I too think of X² as an extendable toolbox, with all the tools available to build more complex and specific solutions to your everyday filemanager problems. And as you point out very well, only generic problem solving tools are worthwile to implement, because they can help the majority of people and aid in building those specific solutions you need to solve your not so everyday problems 8)

Tsunamiz states that many people would benefit from this 'remove trailing space' thingy. Well, nobody has complained until now, so I think there are not that many people expecting this kind of functionality :)

Posted: 2006 Jan 28, 20:22
by TsunamiZ
Well, nobody has complained until now, so I think there are not that many people expecting this kind of functionality
If that is your thinking, then you're not one for innovation.  Lets wait for another file manager to get ahead of x2 right?  :roll:

Besides, you're quoting from someone who missed the example.

Posted: 2006 Jan 29, 16:14
by JRz
No, you miss the point: I simply don't think this option of yours is innovative enough to be implemented. I (and that makes it a subjective opinion, I don't presume to speak on behalf of others) don't see the benefit and would turn that option to off immediately.

The behaviour X² is showing now with respect to selecting words is consistent with the way other programs do this selection (when double clicked) and I think that consistency should prevail in this case.