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Getting a handle on handles

Posted: 2006 Apr 05, 06:45
by feralkid
Noticed today that x2 was using a lot of win32 handles (allocated a lot of win32 handles ?). About 40,000 when I shut x2 down.  I'm not sure I understand the effects (on the system) of apps having a huge number of allocated handles or what this implies the app is doing.  The total  for my system rarely gets above 20,000.  Do I need to be concerned?

Posted: 2006 Apr 05, 06:51
by nikos
my copy which has been running for a couple of days has a total of 281 handles so what you see is abnormal

* how did you count the handles, and how do they break down per category?

* have you been doing a lot of pdf text searches? This is the only known handle leak in x2, which is basically down to the buggy acrobat plugin

* any other regular trend? e.g. are you using the "normal" preview tab a lot?