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Problem when excluding a folder from a seach

Posted: 2008 Feb 13, 16:04
by JolyLoic

When searching for a folder & its subfolders, I want to exclude all folders that are used for management by subversion. These folders are named ".svn". If I choose to look into :

It does not work. I guess the . must be interpreted somehow...
If I choose to look into :
it works, but might skip folders I would not like to skip.
I tried
But it did not work either.

Is there any workaround ?

Thank you.

Posted: 2008 Feb 13, 16:25
by Demetris
How about this?

Code: Select all

c:\, -*.svn

Posted: 2008 Feb 13, 16:31
by JolyLoic
This might skip a "foobar.svn" folder. I just want to skip the ".snv" folders, with nothing before. I admit folders named "foobar.svn" are may not be really common, but who knows?

Posted: 2008 Feb 13, 16:44
by nikos
to minimize the risk, use -?svn
obviously that will skip Asvn etc but hey!

Posted: 2008 Feb 13, 16:54
by Demetris
Or try searching for ?.svn with an alternative proper searcher* -- that is, not the Windows search :-p -- to see if there are any such folders in your system.

[*] I use Locate32.