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Posted: 2002 Mar 24, 18:08
by tlingit54
I have been struggling with what NEXT to tweak my PC because my folders take soooo looooog to open in Explorer! I got advice from various 'Expert' forums, and really made some good tweaks. But Explorer was always SLUGGISH! (and I have a fast PC w/tons of memory)
I even un-integrated Explorer from the desktop (w/98Lite). Nada. FINALLY I decided it must be Explorer itself. I was going to opt for the old '95 File Manager, but did a search and thought I would test 2xExplorer.
AM I GLAD I DID!!! This thing rocks!!!  :thumbup:

The only thing I wonder is why not replace Explorer and have 2x as the default, while keeping Explorer in the right-click menu? (instead of vice-versa) That way I would still have access to folder options in Explorer. Any reason NOT to?

Thanks for this great solution! I LOVE the Run and DOS command window too, btw.

Posted: 2002 Mar 25, 10:56
by nikos
join the club! we all love 2x around here ;)

anyway coming to your question, i wouldn't recommend replacing windows explorer completely with 2x, or else you'll get problems opening things like ControlPanel etc. These are not activated by paths but use some thing called DDE instead, which 2x cannot figure out (because the author cannot be bothered to do the research :0 ). See FAQ # 15 for more info

what you could do is make 2x the default application for all filesystem folders, tweaking the File folder "file type" from within Folder Options system dialog

Posted: 2002 Apr 20, 13:05
by asiatrek
Well I have read some of your posts
(yes you the moderator)

What a great guy!!!

Yes this program is great!! :turn:
I give it two thumbs up! :thumbup:   :thumbup:

I decided to use this program after I installed

Thanx a million for creating it!! :party: