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blog: GUI translations

Posted: 2009 Apr 19, 10:46
by nikos
here's the comment area for today's blog found at ... ations.htm

Posted: 2009 Apr 19, 17:27
by pdavit
Great news about the Greek translation.

Although Greek myself I will still be using the English variant for reasons of uniformity and habit but for reasons of patriotic honour and pride I was waiting for this change, i.e. a product of a Greek author to also support the Greek language. ;-)

Posted: 2009 Apr 19, 19:27
by Kilmatead
pdavit wrote:...a product of a Greek author to also support the Greek language.
What, a few thousand years of the creation/influence of Western Philosophy isn't good enough for you?  These small nations; always wanting more.  Just wait until you see the Irish Aircraft Carrier fleet (well, the collection of small grey plastic boats on my blue carpet - but it's a beginning!)  :D
nikos wrote:Another Sunday, another Easter (this time the right one)
As usual, the orthodoxies of the Revised Julian Calendar are never short on internecine squabbles & controversies...
The synod also proposed the adoption of an astronomical rule for Easter: Easter was to be the Sunday after the midnight-to-midnight day at the meridian of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem (35°13'46"E or UT+2h20m55s for the large dome) during which the first full moon after the vernal equinox occurs. Although the instant of the full moon must occur after the instant of the vernal equinox, it may occur on the same day. If the full moon occurs on a Sunday, Easter is the following Sunday. However, all Eastern Orthodox churches rejected this rule and continue to use the Julian calendar to determine the date of Easter (except for the Finnish Orthodox Church, which now uses the Gregorian Easter).

Posted: 2009 Apr 20, 07:02
by nikos
easter date it's one of these major things that divide the nations, like the big-/small-endian egg breaking of the lilliputs :)

Posted: 2009 Apr 20, 07:26
by Kilmatead
nikos wrote:easter date it's one of these major things that divide the nations, like the big-/small-endian egg breaking of the lilliputs :)
That's only a small issue (what's a heretic or two), as all right-thinking Blefuscudians know, the Brobdingnagians are the real enemy...

Posted: 2009 Apr 20, 17:27
by pdavit
Kilmatead wrote:What, a few thousand years of the creation/influence of Western Philosophy isn't good enough for you?
Did I imply the opposite? :-P

As I said before I will still be using the English variant. ;-)