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Stochastic User Command Token doesn't like Tarantino...

Posted: 2009 Aug 16, 13:32
by Kilmatead
No doubt I'm missing some logical in-line conditional expression here, but my brain is drawing a blank today.

Using '>"C:\Program Files (x86)\GIMP-2.0\bin\gimp-2.6.exe" $S' works fine 99% of the time, whether multiple files are selected or not, which is fine.

If no files are selected, then the command "seems" to work just like a regular shortcut, and Gimp opens fine with a blank canvas as expected.

However, if no files are selected and the active pane happens to be empty (no files in directory), then it appears x2 passes the argument literally as "$S", resulting in a predictable error:


Why does this only happen when invoked from empty directories, and how might I prevent it?  (Same behaviour in all applications called through similar commands.)

I could understand if $S was just parsed out as empty space, as expected, but literally?  Odd.

Posted: 2009 Aug 16, 17:42
by nikos
there seems to be an error in binary logic somewhere twisting the fabric of cyberspace...

Posted: 2009 Aug 16, 17:59
by Kilmatead
So are Bugs like meteors then, where he who discovers it gets to name it?  If so, henceforth (until untimely squashing) it shalt be called Dr. Who's Arsed Parse.

(One must find comfort in the little joys of life, these days. :alien:)

(Or Cognac, whichever is easier.)

Posted: 2009 Aug 17, 08:57
by nikos
So are Bugs like meteors then, where he who discovers it gets to name it
since xplorer2 bugs are rarer than comets and other celestial bodies, you got a valid point there :D