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blog: office 2007 native preview

Posted: 2010 Jul 25, 08:01
by nikos
here's the comment area for today's blog post found at ... review.htm

Posted: 2010 Jul 25, 08:16
by Leo Davidson
You should not need to make that registry change (which affects IE as well, which may be unwanted) to host Office within other apps.

(At least, I don't in my own Office viewer.)

Edit: Having watched the video, you don't have to inflict the Open/Save/Cancel dialog on the user every time they want to view an Office document, either.

Have you ever looked at the Mac OS X preview?

Posted: 2010 Jul 25, 11:15
by RickyF
OS X has a Preview application that is what X2 might emulate.  Select a file, press the spacebar key and a window of the doc opens immediately.  You can page through it as well. Press spacebar again and the preview window closes. Media files are playable. Windows could benefit from this.  

X2 does a good job with its quick viewer.  It would be improved if it had the option to open the viewer in another window rather than being limited to a panel in the X2 window.

Posted: 2010 Jul 25, 19:42
by Tuxman
I wonder if there is a native preview available.  :shock:

Posted: 2010 Jul 26, 07:27
by nikos
the native preview tab is IE. I don't use a separate viewer type for each document, that's why xplorer2 is 1MB instead of 20MB in size ;)

Posted: 2010 Jul 27, 07:21
by nikos
I was told that this procedure doesn't work in 64 bit windows? Can somebody with 64 bit office 2007 let me know?

Posted: 2010 Jul 27, 07:51
by Kilmatead
There is no x64 version of Office 07 - there is one for Office 2010 (but I don't have that).  As far as I can tell, the fix offered by MS does NOT remove the "Open/Save/Cancel" nonsense in Native view under Win7 x64 for 07.

But I don't use QV, so I didn't try that hard to solve the question...

Posted: 2010 Jul 27, 08:49
by nikos
if there's no x64 view for office 2007 and you use xplorer2_x64 then unavoidably the content will open outside xplorer2. Most probably you won't even get plain text office previews in the draft tab (?)

Posted: 2010 Jul 27, 20:12
by Kilmatead
nikos wrote:if there's no x64 view for office 2007 and you use xplorer2_x64 then unavoidably the content will open outside xplorer2. Most probably you won't even get plain text office previews in the draft tab (?)
No, Draft tab works fine (insofar as one enjoys looking at DOCX formatting codes in the nude - which could be quite liberating, but that's a different subject matter :shock:).

For instance, the x2 x64 QV is happy enough to preview media files when called upon to do so - and Windows x64 uses the x86 version of Media Player by default (one has to specifically configure to use the x64 version).  The same applies to IE - due to Adobe not pulling their finger out and creating a decent x64 Flash solution, Windows uses IE x86 by default, not x64.  Which leaves me mildly curious as to why the MS fix doesn't work if it affects IE...

As to where x2 pulls its routines from when looking for IE rendering support is beyond me - aren't middle-aged fathers on the declining slope of life supposed to know these things? :wink:

Posted: 2010 Nov 09, 16:29
by railshot
nikos wrote:I was told that this procedure doesn't work in 64 bit windows? Can somebody with 64 bit office 2007 let me know?
It does not. I tried it with Office 2003 docs, 2007, and 2010. Preview works fine in explorer and another third party file manager I tried.

Posted: 2011 Jan 04, 14:42
by victor50
with xplorer 64/ W7/Off10 excel does show in preview but word still opens in separate window