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Queuing searches

Posted: 2011 Feb 08, 18:20
by Riki
Thanks for the tips mentioned here:

I was hoping to find info on my situation and perhaps request a feature. If I am mistaken in my assumptions/tests below I apologize.

1. Lets say I do a search for my product with a generic term, for short we will call it GT.

2. When I do a search I get the warning saying there are too many results. I click Yes and allow it to search anyway.

3. The program spits out around a thousand or so links which is great.

4. I then search for the same term but with an added term to be more specific (SS), for example: GT SS

5. This time it spits out a hundred or so NEW LINKS. It seems the generic term alone wasn't sufficient in retrieving all the needed links.

So here is the question/suggestion.
Is it possible or beneficial to queue many different searches back-to-back to ensure most of the links are found?
Or, is there a way to have the most generic term dig deeper?

I hope this makes sense. Thanks so much for an amazing program!!

Posted: 2011 Feb 08, 18:39
by nikos
2. if you don't want to see that warning, use View > settings and make the first check results = NO

4. it doesn't make much sense for a more specific search to return more results (!) but it could be a quirk of the underlying search engines

it could also be that you are blitzing the internet connection so there are timeouts (ie failed searches) which are found the next time round. Try enabling the option 'sequential search' so that not all engines run at the same time (slower but more robust)

as for putting searches in a queue, this is planned for a future version

Posted: 2011 Feb 09, 06:15
by nikos
it could also be that the first generic term brought more results as expected but crack tracker didn't examine all of them. It stops after a limit fixed by settings (Max download URLs). If you have a lot of illegal downloads you need to increase this limit.

also if there are many results reported by crack tracker, have a quick look to see if they are relevant! What I do is sort by size, and downloads that are clearly huge or tiny cannot be relevant.