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the future is here

Post by nikos »

built in supermarionation, v181.16 with new keys and all :party: (32 bit only)

you should all get a free 31(=21+10) day trial, and also you can see if you are entitled to free or discounted upgrades, if you click on 'secure online order' or Help > Register program menu

those of you that are entitled to free upgrade keys, you can get a key that will work for 15 days or so -- please supply a valid email address.

If xplorer2 doesn't offer you a free key then please don't attempt to buy anything yet as keys for v2.0 are still under construction. You should be able to buy before the trial period is over though

the playful among you could try to out-smart the new xplorer2 logic for free trial, keys and free upgrades, to see whether i left any holes in the system or not  :shock:

thanks for reporting any problems
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Post by Gandolf »

Nikos, you are brilliant!!!!

Floating preview pane - I just couldn't believe it.

I've been busy recently and haven't kept up to date, so only just noticed it.

Thank you very, very much.
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Post by fastlane »

Can you make x2 show hidden objects BY DEFAULT NO MATTER WHAT WINDOWS EXPLORER IS SET TO.... AND with icons opacity at 50% like 99% of the other file managers???
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Post by kunkel321 »

This is probably a no-brainer....  How do I turn off the warning message that appears each time I start x2?
This is a time-limited beta version of xplorer².

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Post by wperkins99 »

Probably not the answer you are looking for, but I use the time-honored utility, Push-The-(Freaking)-Button (Last Freeware Edition: ...
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Post by nikos »

you can't turn off that message but it will go away in a couple of weeks with the final release
tip: don't quit x2!
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Post by kunkel321 »

Bah humbug!  I always prefer when those types of popups can be disabled...

Interestingly, on Vista it appears (upon re-launch) whether x2 has been "exited" or "closed."  However on XP it only appears after x2 has been "exited."

RE Wperkins:  Thanks for the tip!  :)
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Post by nikos »

you must be using /P for vista then
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Post by Tuxman »

Hmm, startup (loading previously loaded folders) takes quite some time... I guess that's a known issue?
The folder I want to show first only contains 5 files...
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Post by Tuxman »

If you bought xplorer² more than 2 years ago you'll need a new purchase.
"Lifetime", anyone?
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Post by nikos »

my accountant says you already cached in on your lifetime license, so what's the problem?
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Post by Tuxman »

I was just curious if this also applies to lifetime licensees.
My license was upgraded successfully... :)

(So far, thanks for the great new look&feel. I wonder how I could live without all that docking!)
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Call it a "Release Candidate" and I might give it

Post by pschroeter »

"you can't turn off that message but it will go away in a couple of weeks with the final release"

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Post by neko »

I have purchased lifetime assurance upgrade in 2008, but my this beta do not accept my serial. Is this intented?

Edit: Sorry, I found answer already.
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Post by james_k »

runs like charm, maybe a bit slow when starting, but that's tolerable (espec. on a Beta version)

BUT: the fact that admin privs are needed to run the license manager - it's a real pain.

PLEASE - no special privileges to enter a license key!!

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