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Post by Kilmatead »

kunkel321 wrote:Hey the email was titled,  "ANN: xplorer2 v2.0 released" ... She's not readheaded, but she does have a fiery temper...
Canadians are not especially known for their window-cleaning skills (unless they're from Nova Scotia, where windows are still a relatively new technology and thus are highly prized).  Now, if you were complaining that she attacked you in a fit of jealousy about your receiving emails from somebody named "Ann", I would have more sympathy - even loquacious sloths need to be careful of how they manage their international harems, and Nikos did upset the apple-cart in that regard.

That said, do you remember those weird little "fill in the dot with a number-2 pencil" tests you had to do in school?  They always had a section entitled "Reading Comprehension" where you had to read a little blip about Vasco da Gama and then remember that he was Viceroy of India, and so on.  At the time, you no doubt thought "I'll never need to know this nonsense, so smoking this funny weed isn't going to hurt me any" - and yet your father's voice always intoned in the background of your mind " never know when something might come in useful".  Unluckily for you, that day came in the form of 22-Sept-2011, and as a direct consequence of your schoolboy inattention, you utterly failed the test.

True, Nikos isn't Vasco da Gama and unless narayan abdicates the post sometime soon, he's unlikely to become Viceroy of India - but that's beside the point.  It's the spirit of the thing that matters. :wink:

If there's one thing that the Portuguese explorers had, it was spirit, and we would like to believe that even mis-spelled modern "xplorers" can share a little in that essence by venturing-forth into the Cloud with a free trial. :roll:

(At least that's how I read the email.)
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