Immediate Crash On Execution

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Immediate Crash On Execution

Post by Xtropy »

I can run the 2xplorer just fine but when I try and start xplorer2 it crashes with the following info:

2616: TREE::OnShowWindow(1, 0)
2616: [TREE]-SPY(00000085): Installed on ''
2616: ThreadID=a40: Adding frame 0x00080536 'ATL:ExplorerFrame' [xplorer▓]
2616: >>> ThreadID=a40: Beginning execution
2616: Santa's little helper starting, ThreadID=a44
2616: *** TID=a40, Generating folder instance ''
2616: Filesystem path = C:\Documents and Settings\Xtropy\Desktop
2616: Shell attributes: (0x7080017f) FILESYSANCESTOR | FILESYSTEM | STORAGEANCESTOR |
2616: DESCRIPTIONID: 3(FS_DIRECTORY) : {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
2616: Assigned folder type: FITYPE_FILESYSTEM [deciphered]
2616: Folder CLSID: {00021400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
2616: Enumerated 64 objects in the folder, code=1
2616: UWM_VIEWDELAYSORT got rid of 0 redundant messages
2616: MINI-ASSERT: GetWin32Data/GetDataFromPidl mod date discrepancy 757883314 secs for 'My Documents'
2616: Container: NTFS=1, drive type = 3
2616: MINI-ASSERT: GetWin32Data/GetDataFromPidl mod date discrepancy 757441498 secs for ''
2616: Container: NTFS=1, drive type = 3
2616: MINI-ASSERT: GetWin32Data/GetDataFromPidl mod date discrepancy 757204145 secs for 'USB KEY Mail'
2616: Container: NTFS=1, drive type = 3
2616: MINI-ASSERT: GetWin32Data/GetDataFromPidl mod date discrepancy 757974204 secs for 'x2alpha'
2616: Container: NTFS=1, drive type = 3
2616: MINI-ASSERT: GetWin32Data/GetDataFromPidl mod date discrepancy 752638309 secs for ''
2616: Container: NTFS=1, drive type = 3
2616: C:\Documents and Settings\umeca74\My Documents\cpp\kenny\folderItem.cpp(3313) : Assertion failed: !(0x00010000L & GetSHAttributes(0x00010000L))
2616: Second Chance Assertion Failed: File C:\Documents and Settings\umeca74\My Documents\cpp\kenny\folderItem.cpp, Line 3313

Let it be known that I don't know who kenny is and why his documents are being referenced.

Thanks in advance,
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Post by fgagnon »

a. Sounds like a bad install.
What unzipper did you use to extract the files from ?
{there have been reports that some don't always extract the files correctly. }
If you used winzip, that's not likely to be the problem.

b. Try downloading the latest version [] & installing that.
readme.txt has the "install" instructions.
{unstated is that if you use the runThis_dbmon shortcut, you should edit its shortcut target properties to point to the where you put it.}

c. I think \kenny\ is a folder of the author's machine.

d. If you still have problems, please post again with a little bit more info (like operating system you have & where you "installed" the x2 files & what method you used to try to start x2, etc.
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Post by Xtropy »

Well I just downloaded the newest version and still a crash. This time a different error:

2332: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2332: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Xtropy\Desktop\x2alpha\xplorer2.exe' build (Ansi) beginning execution
2332: English translation
2332: Windows version: 5.1, build 2600
2332: Platform: VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
2332: Info: Service Pack 1
2332: Shell32.dll version: 6.0.2800.1233
2332: COMCTL32.DLL version: 6.0.2800.1106
2332: COMDLG32.DLL version: 6.0.2800.1106
2332: SHDOCVW.DLL version: 6.0.2800.1276
2332: browseui.DLL version: 6.0.2800.1106
2332: zipfldr.dll version: 6.0.2800.1126
2332: Previewer capabilities: YES
2332: Build flags: WINVER=400, _WIN32_IE=500, _RICHEDIT_VER=100, _WIN32_WINNT=501, _WIN32_WINDOWS=0
2332: MB code page: 0(0), locale C, GetACP=1252
2332: AreFileApisANSI() = 1, GetOEMCP() = 437
2332: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2332: SYSTEM INFORMATION: page=4096, granularity=65536, CPUs=1
2332: Q235630 patch is OFF
2332: *** TID=0, Generating folder instance '::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\C:\'
2332: Filesystem path = C:\
2332: Shell attributes: (0x70800000) FILESYSANCESTOR | FILESYSTEM | STORAGEANCESTOR |
2332: DESCRIPTIONID: 8(COMPUTER_FIXED) : {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
2332: Assigned folder type: FITYPE_NORMAL [forced]
2332: Folder CLSID: {F3364BA0-65B9-11CE-A9BA-00AA004AE837}
2332: Typical FS folder clsid: {F3364BA0-65B9-11CE-A9BA-00AA004AE837}
2332: Grep IPC port is NEW
2332: Loaded richedit library RICHED20.DLL
2332: Fanciable menus installed OK
2332: arg[0] = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Xtropy\Desktop\x2alpha\xplorer2.exe'
2332: List view 9058a created, sty=5600034b, ex=4030, depth=16
2332: List view 905cc created, sty=5600034b, ex=4030, depth=16
2332: TREE::OnShowWindow(1, 0)
2332: [TREE]-SPY(000000a8): Installed on ''
2332: ThreadID=934: Adding frame 0x00250520 'ATL:ExplorerFrame' [xplorer▓]
2332: >>> ThreadID=934: Beginning execution
2332: Santa's little helper starting, ThreadID=944
2332: *** TID=934, Generating folder instance ''
2332: Filesystem path = C:\Documents and Settings\Xtropy\Desktop
2332: Shell attributes: (0x7080017f) FILESYSANCESTOR | FILESYSTEM | STORAGEANCESTOR |
2332: DESCRIPTIONID: 3(FS_DIRECTORY) : {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
2332: Assigned folder type: FITYPE_FILESYSTEM [deciphered]
2332: Folder CLSID: {00021400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
2332: Enumerated 64 objects in the folder, code=1
2332: C:\WINDOWS\Profiles\nikos\My Documents\C++\kenny\folderItem.cpp(3534) : Assertion failed: !(0x00010000L & GetSHAttributes(0x00010000L))
2332: Second Chance Assertion Failed: File C:\WINDOWS\Profiles\nikos\My Documents\C++\kenny\folderItem.cpp, Line 3534

OS is XP Pro
250 GIG HD
1GIG of 400MHZ DDR
Athlon Barton 3200 400MHZ

I extracted the file with WINRAR and also used the built in XP extracter. The files aren't corrupt because I can install on my work PC fine from the same zip file. As for installation, all I do is extract the zip, there is no installation. I have done this on each of my 5 logical drives in various directories to no avail.

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Post by fgagnon »

Xtropy wrote:The files aren't corrupt because I can install on my work PC fine from the same zip file.

It's not that the zip-file is suspect; rather the extract process has been known to produce a bad file in some cases with some extract utils.

Have you tried to take the extracted files that run so well at one loocation and install them (copy them to folder of choice) on the problem machine?

And to make sure the x2 registry keys aren't bolluxed for re-installs, first use REGEDIT to delete all explorer2 registry keys (see alpha.txt for location details)
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Post by nikos »

the problem is that on your desktop you've got one strange item that is a link whose extension is not 3 characters long (usual lnk or url. What is it? You can see that with 2x or plain explorer
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Post by Xtropy »

Yup that was the problem. I had 2 files on my desktop with the extension .radlnk

I use this file extension type with a program called RadLinker that allow me to set my anti-aliasing and annostropic filtering settings on a program by program basis. This software is of a great benefit to me and would like to continue using it. Is this a bug, something that will be changed or something I have to live with?

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Post by nikos »

this is not a serious problem, only occurs in debug mode
however, do such links have a target?
you wouldn't be able to get to them with Ctrl+L
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Post by fgagnon »

I cannot create the problem by putting files and links on my desktop with long extensions (including .radlnk), whether or not the links have a target & whether or not the extension is associated with an application. :?

I wonder if it only happens on first-run of x2 (initial install)?

Xtropy, now that you got x2 to run, does the problem recur if you put the .radlnk files/shortcuts back on the desktop?
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Post by nikos »

so you have these radlnk files too? are they real links then? Only then would you see the assertion
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Post by fgagnon »

No, I do not have RadLinker -- I was just trying to recreate/verify the reported problem.
The best I could do was rename the extensions on a couple of files & shortcuts and move them to the desktop.
And on closer inspection, I couldn't find a way to rename the shortcuts' ".lnk" extension which is suppressed from display, even though I do not "Hide extensions for known file types". So I never could create a genuine link with other than a ".lnk" extension -- although I did find out that having long extensions for ordinary files on the desktop is not a problem for x2.

So now that I have discovered that I am OOML in this area, I'll just crawl back into my cave. ...zzz...
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Post by nikos »

what's with acronyms today? This forum is like a incomprehensible cult thingy :)

anyway you can only change the extension of link files with Ctrl+F2, but if you do you "destroy" the link

see NeverShowExt in the registry under HKCR\lnkfile

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Post by fgagnon »

1. Thanx for pointing out Ctrl+F2
2. I did the acronym thing with malice aforethought (after Jan had to explain SAK) :twisted:
OOML = Out Of My League
3. It's either real late for you Hit the Highway, or early to Hit the Hay (unless you are back home in Greece) :)
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Post by JRz »

I thought Nikos meant 'Hold The Horses' :razz:

But seriously:

@Nikos: Why do you say the problem will only show itself when you have actual links? Does this Radlinker thingy kick in automatically so X2 gets confused and gives up? I would think X2 just sees a file with an extension. They are not links in the Windows sense, so it should treat them as 'normal' files??

Could you explain a bit more Nikos? (Just curious)
Dumb questions are the ones that are never asked :turn:
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Post by fgagnon »

Score one for Nikos with HTH :!:
(a quick search yeilds: Hope This Helps)

& I'm also curious about this linkextension name issue, even if it is in another league. :wink:
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Post by nikos »

it is very simple
x2 assumes all links have 3 letter extensions to speed up the detection
but as a safeguard, the debug version checks all non-3 letter files for link-ness. This test fails for these files that are links but obviously have 6 letters in their extension, and our friend gets the assertion error

now i either have to drop the 3-letter heuristic and make things slower for everybody, or ignore such freak links. I think i'll go for the latter!
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