windows defender

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windows defender

Post by nikos »

has anybody noticed windows defender going bezerk? In the past few days it is running like once every 5 minutes or so and bogs down my XP/SP2 system including annoying tamper messages from my norton antivirus. I wonder if there was some automatic update that changed how defender works or my system is under some sort of attack?

is it just me?
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Post by Kilmatead »

People actually use windows defender?  And Norton?  Of all the things in the world to pay for, Norton?

Oi, the gods are weeping.

(Yes, I know, unhelpful unsolicited opinions are unwelcome.  Tough.  Sometimes for a guy of otherwise above-average intelligence you make some really strange choices.  And don't think I've forgotten you still use Internet Explorer.  The world is going to hell in a handbasket, and you're doing your best to imitate everyone's kindly grandfather who knows nothing of these interwebs, and cares less as long as the beer flows in his direction.)

Eh, c'est la vie.  Let the gods weep.  The gods, after all, make the beer.

Yeah, still unhelpful.


I'm grumpy today.

(Sorry. :wink:)

I do, however, like how your number of posts has gone all binary.


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Post by nikos »

old sins... this is an old (2005) company laptop that came with norton etc. I've just about had it with it and next month i'm getting myself a new one, most probably this

has everything i need and 64 bit/virtualization technology including a modem that you don't find nowadays. The stoopid thing is that it's mousepad doesn't support scrolling, i know i'm a fetishist but i've never seen any modern laptop in the last 4 years that doesn't offer touch slide-scrolling  :shock: that may cost them the sale in the end

so end of norton is imminent. I have experimented on another machine running as standard user without any antivirus at all, and it looks that it is feasible.
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Post by Cosmo »

nikos wrote:I have experimented on another machine running as standard user without any antivirus at all, and it looks that it is feasible.
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Post by nikos »

what's this, sarcasm has invaded germany too? ;)
normal user account + automatic updates + standard MS defenses + common sense == safe
do you believe that norton or what have you would be quicker to respond to vulnerabilities compared to microsoft updates?
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Post by Cosmo »

nikos wrote: do you believe that norton or what have you would be quicker to respond to vulnerabilities compared to microsoft updates?
"Microsoft updates" = Windows Updates? Quite a different thing.
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Post by Kilmatead »

nikos you believe that norton or what have you would be quicker to respond to vulnerabilities compared to microsoft updates?
Personally, I don't think Norton could respond to a vulnerability if it came up and introduced itself, but that's neither here nor there.

The standard "claim" now for self-respecting AV/Firewall/Anti-Spyware systems is "hourly updates".  Do I believe this?  Of course not.  Yes, the programme dutifully refreshes it's definitions file every 120 minutes or so (or, really, whatever interval one sets) - this is all well and good marketing, but the additive concept of ((Monkeys * Typewriters) + Locked Room) / Eternity == Shakespeare comes to mind. and is as quickly dismissed.

That said, Microsoft's so-called idea of "security" is reactionary (in the 18th century sense) - such as it's rather laughable (and ironically named) "malicious software removal tool"... all well and good, but given that at best it's updated once a month (in the usual Windows morass), that's like discovering the children's new kitten has scabies and waiting until after it's been passed to you to get to the pharmacy to buy that dark bottle of foul-smelling relief.

No one, anywhere, would ever seriously suggest "running as standard user without any antivirus at all", other than as a spurious 'proof of concept'...

Is it Feasible? - yes; Recommended? - "Laugh it up, fuzzball..."
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Post by nikos »

look, that's what you've been scaremongered to believe, especially since microsoft has the antivirus in the list of things "you must do" to protect your windows

i have been using my wife as a guinea pig running the AV-free test for a few months now, on a new netbook, spending her time mostly online, and I'm telling you that there is nothing to write home about.

so against theories i submit evidence!
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Post by Kilmatead »

nikos wrote:...+ common sense == safe
I do, as ever, try my best to live in a world without common-sense (White-Bread Middle-Class Secular Humanism).  There is no freedom where there is "common sense" - no essense of exploration, no risk, no real sense of accomplishment.  There is only "the task you are doing".  How drab.  There is a reason the French Expressionists did what they did: they had to.

That said, 99% of the time I completely forget the AV is even there... until once in a blue moon it jumps up and down screaming bloody murder - on something shown not to be a false-positive.  That's not scaremongering.  I'm actually rather disappointed it doesn't happen more often.

I could care less about tracking-cookies, ads, and banners, those are meaningless - even most "spyware" is de-facto harmless, merely intrusive.  The freedom to download content (this is, after all, a consumer medium) is inherent to using the 'net.  If one doesn't do anything more exciting than shop on Amazon, buy music from  iTunes, and waste one's eyes on Facebook, then sure, go commando, no one will bother you.

There is, shall we say, a significant difference between the red-light districts of Amsterdam (white-bread), and those of the Closer-and-Far-East (Hemingway).

To paraphrase The Proclaimers, I can taste the difference between Margarine and Butter. :D

And besides, does anyone actually care what Microsoft thinks we must do to protect their humility?

Common-sense works both ways: if you intentionally hamstring yourself with "tread carefully" you won't get anywhere quickly - but show me a man in a hurry and I'll show you someone hastening to their death.

So against Evidence I submit Theories!

** On second thought, we need more posts in support of Scottish Nationalism.  Whatever happened to the Proclaimers anyway?
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Post by nikos »

"common sense is the metaphysics of savages" as they say but that's beside the point. In fact i got a great idea about next week's blog

give me one example where your AV saved your neck -- and tell me you are running from normal user account
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Post by Kilmatead »

I don't think I've ever run as a normal use account.  Why would a grown man use trainers, blinkers, or handcuffs on himself?  (Unless it's a masochistic thing...)

I take it as a good upstanding citizen you don't peruse partake or pinch from Rapidshare?

Never mind legitimate companies, such as the recent Razer Ships Malware With Drivers.
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Post by nikos »

let us not forget the red light district... but that's what old computers are for  :P
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