xplorer2 and Windows 7 (64bit)

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xplorer2 and Windows 7 (64bit)

Post by CrossX »

The question is related to the use of xplorer2 with windows 7 (that I am using since two days ago... unfortunately... after having always used XP)

Sometimes a pop up windows comes up and says that xplorer2 cannot perform (for example) some copy because it must be launched as Administrator.
Or at the first launch after start up.. it says "Unknown Author"... do you want blah blah blah? yes.....
Since in xplorer2 Properties I have already selected "Run as Administrator" there must be something I am missing...

Any help?
Thanks in advance
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Post by Kilmatead »

Essentially UAC's relationship with x2 is best described here.  However, that's not quite the whole story as when x2 starts up it loads shell extensions, et all, which may not all be as kosher as they should be, so UAC can rant and rave about the silliest of things when it wants to - exactly what is triggering it is not always clear.  As x2's EXE is digitally signed by Nikos, that is usually enough to pacify security controls - but the extensions can be another story.

Most experienced users who are confident enough to know what they're doing security-wise simply turn UAC off, as it's worse than a nagging mother-in-law and about as useful.  However, that decision is up to you.  Once you've encountered that popup for the 200th time from any number of programmes you run every day, it's pretty easy to decide.  However, if you are unlucky enough to be "forced" into using UAC by an administrator, then suffering, frustration and endless suspicion will be your only friends. :shrug:
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Post by CrossX »

Thanks...disabled UAC  :crazy:
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Re: xplorer2 and Windows 7 (64bit)

Post by Thracx »

CrossX wrote:The question is related to the use of xplorer2 with windows 7...Thanks...disabled UAC
As nikos states in the article Kilmatead linked to, it's best to not disable UAC - but of course the option is yours.

Might I recommend the 'Ctrl+Shift' alternative?  Whenever you want to run a program and you want it to have Administrative privileges, simple hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys before launching the app (such as clicking on a Start Menu menu item).  This forces the app to launch with Administrative privileges, which will result in a pop-up confirmation depending on your UAC level.
Kilmatead wrote:...as it's worse than a nagging mother-in-law and about as useful.
For the record, most security savy techs that I know keep UAC on (albeit at a lower level than default).  I find it incredibly useful, so much in fact that I've configured it to protect myself from accidental destructive actions to my filesystem.  Also, I don't have an excessively nagging mother-in-law - maybe this is why we differ in opinion. :P

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Post by IneedHelp »

UAC is as useful as a fungus between your toes. Inexperienced users will blindly dismiss any UAC report, while the more experienced users do not need UAC to be in control of what is happening on their systems, especially with the continuously growing technology of virtual computers.
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Post by Kilmatead »

From a security point of view UAC is the equivalent of a blind man not being corrupted by pornography - given the plethora of very good third-party security mechanisms which will quite happily not only inform you that something wants to change the registry, they will even clearly show you exactly what key is to be changed and by whom.  UAC does not provide any "security" information other than abstinence - which while technically it is a form of security, it also takes us back to the causes of blindness. :D

If there were no superior 3rd-party solutions (even free ones) then yes, I would suggest people use it as it's better than nothing, but it isn't to be seriously considered as effective for any user - as IneedHelp pointed out, experienced users would use better methods and inexperienced users will blindly click on anything just to "make it go away" which defeats the purpose.
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Post by Thracx »

I suppose we'll never get along, Kilmatead :(

...even when we agree and yet continue to argue over something else... :? :?:
Kilmatead wrote:...I would suggest people use it as it's better than nothing...
This is all that I, and nikos' article, is effectively saying - so we are agreeing on the security aspect.  As stated above (and in our last X² forum thread about UAC, I believe, lol), I use it as a protection measure against accidental actions, i.e. mistakenly deleting a large folder, not so-much as a security measure.  The only real security measure I use is smart computing :wink:.  Anywho, CrossX can decide how he wants to use UAC - which will probably be to disable it :)

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Post by Kilmatead »

Thracx wrote:I suppose we'll never get along
It's your damn avatar's fault - a swirly swirl of pixellated confusion which just doesn't upscale well.  It upsets my delicate aesthetic! :wink:  (That, and the fact that I just like to argue for the sake of it.  If the whole room are Liverpool supporters, I, of course, would support whoever the other team was - just on principle - if you ever find yourself agreeing with a "majority" about anything, you know it's way past time to rethink everything from scratch.)
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Post by Thracx »

Kilmatead wrote:It's your damn avatar's fault...
Kilmatead wrote:...which just doesn't upscale well...
Talk to the forum admins and have them let us user more than 102x116 8KB avatar images!  Is this version less pixelated enough for ya?  heh...

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Post by Kilmatead »

Thracx wrote:Is this version less pixelated enough for ya?
You know how there's always a song that you've been singing to yourself for the last twenty years, and yet you perhaps never learned the lyrics properly, you just make up your own so they sound similar to the original?  And then (usually at some dinner-party that your dimwitted brother-in-law never should have hosted in the first place) you accidentally learn what the real lyrics are supposed to be and you're shocked that do-wap-ditty doesn't mean what you thought it did?

Well, that's your avatar - I thought it was some decent painting of old telling the story of Captain Ahab and the sea-serpents' deathly revenge for the dark deeds his soul hath done.  Like this:


But instead you give me something that looks like it belongs on a Ronnie James Dio album cover!


Lacks a little something in the majesty of the moment, methinks. :sad:

Now, if you were to replace him with some of those strange Ganguro video-game chicks with a weird taste in tight-fitting Lycra, I'd be more receptive to open interpretation of Nabokov novels and funky swords, but that's just me.  :shrug:
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Post by Thracx »

heh, while I'm personally not into ganguro chicks, I can appreciate the idea :wink:

And I'm sorry, no, I don't know much about the situation you describe.... I usually never learn what the correct lyrics to the songs that I sing are :biggrin:

That image is a black and white drawing of the 'Avatar' character/unit from the Warhammer 40k table-top game series - it appeared in the Eldar Codex as an artist's rendition/interpretation of the character/unit.  I couldn't find a good scan of the image online, as the large version I linked to is a little washed out and appears blurred.  Keep in mind that my knowledge of such is about 15 years old now, and so I was surprised to find any such links at all!

Maybe one day I'll find a good replacement.  But eh, it's a forum avatar, that one works fine 8)

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