Auf Wiedersehen and the Fish I should thank you for...

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Auf Wiedersehen and the Fish I should thank you for...

Post by Kilmatead »

Owing to Recessions, Depressions, or just plain economic meltdowns, I find myself a victim of the times with a t-shirt that says "collateral damage" printed in rather large unfortunate letters.

I have managed to survive for the last year or so by the skin of my teeth (what the hell does that phrase mean, anyway?) - I work off my rent by doing odd-jobs and accepting the barter-system tolerance (for food-stuffs and basic amenities) of people far better than I.

However, this cannot sustain the other simplicities of paying bills and all the other things people take for granted.  While Ireland has an over-generous Social Welfare system, due to all sorts of snags and legalities, I find myself unable to avail of its services legally, and so must fall back on the above tried-and-true medieval methods above.

In short, this means my bills have all gone unpaid, and will continue to remain so until things improve.  Thus, I am (rather literally) expecting my electricity to be disconnected sometime in the next week, with phones, etc., soon to follow (back to the real 18th-century!).

As such, I won't be around the forum for the foreseeable future, and will instead spend my free-time getting an awful lot of reading done by candlelight.  At least the weather's not too cold this time of year, and the light is good, and they can't turn off my water.

It's kind of sad when you're 42 years old and there are no paying jobs to be had for love nor money.  Hell, even MacDonald's didn't want me.  So it goes.

I thank you all for the interaction here, and sincerely do hope no-one found my off-topic ramblings too annoying or intrusive, and any help I may have offered useful.  It's been fun, kids. :wink:

P.S.  I make this post simply because I was reminded last week by Narayan that it's always strange when people on the internet suddenly "vanish" for no reason - death, disease, poverty, marriage, children, or abduction by aliens - they all take their toll.  It's just life in the new digital age.  For what it's worth, I may be around for awhile yet longer, but the sword of Damocles is hanging by a very thin thread, and I just wished to say my peace first.

As this is a "family" forum, I've tried to stay on the right side of taste, but for my last word, I won't suffer any self-redaction (Fred can moderate it if he wishes).

"Fuck Wall-Street anyway."
John 1:14 wrote:But I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to thee. Our friends salute thee. Greet the friends by name.
Thanks everyone,

-- Greg
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Post by fgagnon »

Greg, sometime keeper Kilmat Ead by Corkagh,
I wish you better years and circumstances ahead.
I short, I wish you well, my friend.  
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Post by fastlane »

I can't believe what you are saying :(, have you ever thought about, surprise, computer based work? How about learning web design or development.. it's quite simple.. learn html, css, javascript, google some web design tutorials, how to slice photoshop layouts, etc. all that stuff.. build some example sites, build sites for friends and family, make a portfolio (links to sites you've built) and advertise in your local papers and on the internet.. so basically you will become a web designer or developer and you can make a lot of money from doing that, it only takes a few months at most to learn decent design/dev skills that you can use to your advantage in earning an income and also learning about such fields.

Basically, learn web design at home, and work from home, doing freelance web design or development.

If you are interested in computers, or if you have a passion for computers (I think you do..) why not earn an income doing what you like to do? Oppurtunities are every where no matter what age, it's just your state of mind.

Just my 20cents.
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Post by vserghi »

Greg, I have to say I looked forward to reading your ramblings and i'm sorry to see you disappear. Hopefully it won't be too long before we hear from you again.

Smell ya later buddy.
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Post by nikos »

i'd say join the local poetry appreciation club, and dazzle some old (heiress) Lady with your long words, and in no time you'd be owning the castle with full electricity amenities :)

at various points in my life I entertained various wacky careers:

* work as a motorcycle courier
* work as a skipper for rich peoples' yachts (it's a full time job!)
* snails 'farmer' (suitable for ireland's weather)

for you i'd say creative writing would be the ticket
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Post by Tuxman »

+1 for creative writing. It's a real pity that it's always the bourgeois who is affected by the financial assholes sitting on their fat asses and gambling with money they don't actually have...

Good luck.
Tux. ;
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Post by Mr.Pleasant »

Come back soon, please! I'll be missing your wits in the meantime.
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Post by narayan »

Yes, looking at your literary genius, I too think you would be on the back cover of a great book some day.

And rather than nostalgically thinking of you as one more virtual friend lost to vagaries of global forces, I'd much rather be able to tell my kids with pride that I knew the author of that book when he had nothing (and yet had so much to give...)

If goodwill of others can change one's fortunes, rest assured your future is bright indeed!

May god be with you, my friend, and hope to see your posts with good news!
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